Lime / Twitch Spam

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Author: @Limeee__ / Me

Ship: Dream6d

Plot: Twitch Spam

TW: None

AU's: None

"Just because Dream and I are playing Minecraft together does not mean you guys have to spam the chat," Vincent scolds his stream.

The chat was going crazy, and it was mostly because of him and his internet friend Clay. He didn't mind the spam since he usually didn't look at chat often, but his french internet was slowly dying. It was like the internet and his viewers were running a marathon, with his viewers on the fourteenth mile and his internet crawling its way through the first.

"Seriously guys, I don't want you to get banned." Vincent tried again, knowing he can't stop it. No matter how much he asks the spam to stop, it just becomes more consistent. Even the Mods were having trouble keeping up.

"What are they spamming?" Clay asks, confusion laced in his voice. Vincent could imagine the words leaving Clay's mouth, even though he's never seen his face before. His heart beat quickened as he argued between telling the truth or making a lie up on the spot.

"I... don't think you want to know." Vincent decides on, hoping Clay will trust his word. Of course, he didn't but Vincent didn't expect much different.

"Actually, I think I do." Clay chuckled.

"No, no you don't." Vincent repeated with a sigh.

"Vincent I will log on to twitch and see what the spam is all about, unless you prefer just to tell me?"

"Eh, more viewers." Vincent said laughing.

After what felt like hours Clay finally responded to Vincent, "Fine I'll go see what chat is saying myself." It took only a few seconds to get to the stream and as he opened Twitch, he prepared himself for what he might see. Vincent was right, the chat was going crazy. It took him a minute to realize what they were saying, the chat was going so quickly- even with slow mode on!

"Finally a stream with Dream and A6d!" One viewer typed in chat.

"Can we just take one second to talk about the Dream6d energy rn?" Said another, plus what seemed like a million more going on and on about a ship that will never happen.

"You were right, I do not want to see this." Clay says with a grimace, before he let a small chuckle slip.

"Is that a laugh I hear?" Vincent teased.

"You just look so stupid" Clay laughed, jokingly of course. Vincent frowned, but he wasn't sad his friend told him he looks stupid, that happened often enough for him to get used to it, he was just thinking. Vincent stared into his camera, which is normal after a big bruh moment, but he forgot Clay was watching.

"Dude stop, it looks like you can see me through the screen!" Clay said, "You look like a serial killer or something." For what seemed like forever there was a moment of silence. Vincent sat so still and quiet, that the chat thought the internet crashed.

"Oh uh... what were we doing again?" Vincent asked, trying to not show that he had zoned out.

"We were looking at chat, who wants us to fall in love." Clay answered, sounding way happier than he should have.

Vincent shifted in his seat and said, "Right. Sooo, have you guys heard of twitch prime??"

Word count: 598

A/n: Written by me, Limeee__  This was fun but kinda short, I worked on this partly when I was on vacation, and this was all I could think of at the time. If you have any ideas for a one shot make sure to comment, because I don't have many ideas lol

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