Empty Afternoons

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Neil wasn't sure how much more he could take. He'd been lying in his bed for thirty minutes, unable to get up because of a certain someone. He tried to wake him up; nothing.

    Sure, it was a Saturday and his parents weren't home, but goddammit he was hungry. If his stomach wasn't aching he would gladly stay in bed and cuddle his boyfriend.

    His stomach growled again, and Neil made another attempt at pushing Max away.

    At this point, Neil tried everything. He tried blasting music, even Max's favorites. He threw Mr. Honeynuts across the room. Neil tried to shove Max off the bed. He whispered threats into his ears. Nothing. Worked.

    Neil stared at the ceiling. "Max." He let out an exasperated sigh. "How much of a heavy sleeper is this kid? For fuck's sake..." He looked down at his boyfriend. "What could... oh!"

    The nerd reached over to his phone and tapped onto David's contact. It rang a few times before David picked up.


    "Yeah, hi, so, uh," Neil poked Max's cheek, "your son won't get off me. I'm hungry and he's not letting me out of bed. Please, I beg you, how the fuck do I get him off?"

    He could hear David chuckle behind the phone. "Taking away his bear always worked."

    "Yeah, well, I tried that and now the bear is across the room. I think I'm the new Mr. Honeynuts."

    "Well-" Suddenly, a female voice took over the phone.

    "Kick him until he wakes up."

    "Gwen, no-"

    "Do it, Neil. It's your only chance at escaping that demon." Her voice rattled, making Neil let out a small laugh. Gwen always called either a "little shit" or "demon child". It was her own way of affectionate nicknames. The phone hung up.

Neil eyed Max, debating his options. When Max and Neil had first started going out, Gwen told him to never sleep in the same bed or on the same sofa as Max because if he went to sleep, Neil would never get back up until Max woke up, and that was usually at around noon. She informed Neil that she had to kick Max in the arm until he finally woke up. Albeit, pissed, but still awake.

    After his stomach growled again, Neil decided his choice was clear.

    Hopefully he didn't bruise Max's arm like Gwen had done so many times (it was never on purpose and it always made Gwen feel like shit when his skin started turning purple).

    Neil swung his foot back, lining it up with Max's thigh. He couldn't reach the arm, but a kick anywhere should do.

    Neil delivered a swift kick and almost instantly, he was met with a smack to the face.

Max sat up, exhausted still. "You motherfucker."

    "Glad to see you're awake," Neil kissed Max's cheek, who, in turn, rolled to the opposite side of the bed, attempting to go back to sleep.

"I'm gonna go make French toast." Neil smirked, knowing how much Max loved that breakfast.

"Oh my god, you motherfucker times two." Max sat up, more awake than before. He glanced at the clock. "It's ten in the morning, Neil!" He whined.

"Yeah, we should've been awake by now."

    Max mumbled to himself.

    "So... are you gonna get up or...?"

    "Yeah, yeah," Max hopped out of the bed. He walked over to Neil and set his forehead on Neil's shoulder. "I'm going back to sleep after breakfast, y'know."

    Neil chuckled. "Yeah, I know."

      Headcanon: Neil makes Max breakfast in the morning and wakes him up with it :)

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