Chapter 6

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     May 29th

     Today may have been the first day Father was proud of me. Of course, he does not approve of a Malfoy getting branded like cattle, but he thinks I am finally seeing the truth about where my loyalties should lie.

     Luce and the twins stayed at the Leaky Cauldron for the night, as my initiation ceremony took hours. This marks an important and crucial step in my plan, as Voldemort only marks followers he trusts. The ceremony was agonizing, but I did not make a sound, as I wish to have Voldemort's full trust.

     He believes me to be deeply devoted to him, and I must say, I have been performing well. My Occlumency studies have certainly paid off.

     July 16th

     I am deeply shaken. Voldemort took a group of his closest followers – including myself – to do some recreational Muggle killing. I could not refuse without blowing my cover, and it sickens me to admit that I took ten innocent lives today. My only consolation is that Luce is ever comforting and sympathetic, even in this my darkest hour.

     October 1st

     I am growing concerned for Lucius and Trixcelia. Voldemort seems to have his eye on them, especially Lucius, and it worries me. When I began this venture, my children had yet to be born, and I had yet to meet Lucille. I never wanted them to be dragged into this.

     Though it pains me greatly, Luce and I have discussed the possibility of her going into hiding with the twins. I do not like it, but it may become necessary, to keep them all safe.

     November 29th

     It is done. Luce and the twins are in a safehouse under the Fidelius Charm. I am the Secret Keeper. I told Voldemort that Luce had run away with the children, and that I was not planning to look for her as she is not worthy. He seemed pleased, and I can only hope my efforts will succeed.

     December 24th

     I miss my family greatly. In her letters, Luce tells me that the twins have been asking for me. I hate to be away from them, especially around Christmas, but at least all of this will be over soon. Finally, after years of undercover work, I have discovered that Voldemort's weakness is be

     Here, the entry ended. Trixie blinked back tears. She knew that on Christmas Eve, a man had broken into her father's house and murdered him. 

     From the little she had overheard between Brutus and his pureblood friends; Abraxas had killed the man's muggleborn wife and squib child on a recreational outing with Voldemort. In crazed grief, the man had tracked down Abraxas to kill him. Abraxas had not had his wand on him.

     Trixie had come to terms with her parents' deaths a long time ago. She wished, however, that Abaxas had had time to finish writing Voldemort's weakness before he was murdered.

     Voices sounded from down the hall, and Trixie realized with a start that it was almost dawn. The full moon had set, and light from the rising sun was now peeking through the window.

     The portrait hole opened, and in spilled James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, and Sirius Black. Trixie stared in shock, but the boys didn't seem to notice her.

     "Prongs, mate, that eye looks ridiculous." Sirius was teasing.

     James, sporting a brilliantly purple eye, just shrugged nonchalantly. "What can I say? The Whomping Willow doesn't mess around. I barely made it out of the tunnel."

     Sirius, still laughing, let his gaze drift over the common room, and then his eyes fell on Trixie. For a moment, he looked completely caught off guard.

     Obviously, the boys had expected the common room to be empty, and James and Peter soon noticed Trixie from Sirius' silence. All three looked utterly speechless.

     Sirius seemed to shake off his surprise. "What are you doing up, Malfoy?" he spat.

     Trixie raised her eyebrows. "I might ask the three of you the same question. And out past curfew, no less."

     James and Peter looked sheepish, but Sirius was furious. "That's none of your business."

     Trixie stood delicately. "You're absolutely right." Gracefully, she turned and waltzed up the stairs to the girl's dormitories.

     One way or another, she would find out what they had been doing up, and if they had anything to do with the mysterious feet. For now, however, she would sleep the few hours she had left before classes began.

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