Chapter 16

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Kaylie woke up to Faye shouting in her ear.

"Dinner!" she said. Kaylie groaned.

"I feel aweful" she said, swinging her legs over the side of her bed.

"Yeah, Assessment day is tough" said Faye. "But it's over now. Let's go eat food!"

"Alright" said Kaylie, feeling a bit better. She slipped on her shoes. Faye led Kaylie back to the dining hall, where Kaylie joined Makaalo and the other 'newbies' at the third table.

"Hey" said Nahele, looking up at Kaylie.

"Hi" said Kaylie briskly, not interested in flirting. Strngely, she didn't find Nahele so attractive anymore. She thought of Gawain. Now, he was a boy! Then she realized she didn't know what he looked like.

"You okay?" asked Makaalo.

"Yeah" said Kaylie, and she sat down. She noticed Makaalo staring across the room at someone.

"Who's that?" asked Kaylie. Makaalo blushed.

"Maluchite. He's my match" she said.

"Why is everyone thinking about matches today?" asked Kaylie.

"I'm not" joked Nahele. Kaylie laughed.

"No, you're imagining your future match" said Harrison. Nahele smiled.

"How'd you know?" he asked, and Harrison laughed. Kaylie suddenly felt out-of-place.

"I think I'm going to go back to bed" she said. Celebrian looked curiously at her.

"Alright. See you later then" she said. Kaylie stood up. Dazedly, she walked out of the dining hall. She began to head to her room, but her feet took her somewhere else. She was going towards a part of the castle she hadn't seen before. She walked past the entrance hall, and for the first time since, well, yesterday, she saw the way out. But she couldn't stop. Kaylie was afraid of this thing. Whatever was leading her elsewhere was doing it against her will. She kept walking. Through halls, past many doors. Up two flights of stairs. When she finally regained control, Kaylie was exhausted. She was in a tower. Kaylie looked through a window slit, and noticed that she was opposite from where the rooms were. There was one door in this tower. She heard voices.

"You! I can't belive you, Cirdan. I expected better." That was Gawain's voice.

"But. . ." That was Cirdan.

"Do not talk back to me! This matter is closed. Now, open the door for our visitor."

The door in front of Kaylie opened.

"Kaylie>" asked Cirdan.

"H-hi" said Kaylie. Cirdan stepped aside and Kaylie walked in. Gawain was sitting at stone table. Across the room was a bed. It looked much more comfortable than Kaylie's. The door closed behind her. Cirdan was gone.

"Welcome, Kaylie. I wondered when you'd be here" said Gawain smoothly.

"You brought me here" said Kaylie. Her voice was low and full of anger.

"I am sorry about that. It was necessary" said Gawain.

"For what?" hissed Kaylie.

"Ah yes. I have never been on the recieving end of this anger, but I have seen it before. Kaylie" said Gawain. "Do you know? You should. Who am I?"

"You need me to tell you?" asked Kaylie.

"I just want to see if you know" said Gawain. Kaylie remained silent.

"No?" asked Gawain. Kaylie didn't answer. Gawain raised his hand to his hood. He yanked it off.


The Shapeshifter Chronicles: Beginnings [UNDERGOING EDITS]Where stories live. Discover now