Was it already mentioned that Seulgi was stupid? If yes, then this was just to confirm that.
She was probably the second most stupid person she has ever met, the first one would be her older brother (but it wasn't the time to diss her pathetic brother as there were more pressing matters at hand). Seulgi was currently facing an internal conflict while pacing back and forth inside her room, asking herself repeatedly-
To do
Not to do.
To be honest, it wasn't supposed to be a big deal but it was, for her. And she shouldn't be facing this if only she had thought of it before.
What's the problem, you ask? Well... it's Joy.
Yes, Park Sooyoung who she praised that her name suited her and that same Joy who threatened her to say something to Irene when she would do something stupid again.
But stupidity was in Seulgi's nature.
She's academically smart but not people smart and sometimes she wished she didn't spend most of her time inside her head or facing a book because at times like this, she needed that little confidence to talk to people or just approach them.
Seulgi threw herself on her bed, landing softly as the mattress cushioned her fall. With her arm covering her eyes, she let the darkness calm her. She was thinking of a plan for tomorrow; a plan on how to approach Joy and give her what she stupidly forgot.
She breathed deep, the subtle hint of vanilla lingered on her nose. Lifting her arm, she raised her right hand where the white hanky was neatly tucked and raised for her to see.
Yes. That's the cause of her dilemna. The pristine and expensive looking handkerchief that the younger woman lent her that one time to wipe her tears and despite telling her to keep it or something, she forgot to return it with the make up pouch.
Seulgi grunted and placed the hanky on her nightstand, shooing away her problems for another day because she was too tired to have a conflict with herself. She turned off her lamp and closed her eyes, the soft fragrance of vanilla plus their fabric conditioner lulled her to sleep.
Seulgi was on the edge of her seat all morning, fidgeting and mindlessly caressing the white fabric in her pocket while waiting for her last subject before lunch to finish so she could finally eat.
She was also thankful that Joy wasn't on her subjects for the morning as she was in a different block. It would probably make her lose her composure and dash off the room before she'd clam up again and isolate herself.
She wasn't really looking forward in meeting her at all but she wanted to return the hanky today so that she could finally breathe and stop thinking about it.
It'll be so easy for her to just throw it away, right? Forget that it even existed and pretend that Joy never gave it to her. She could easily do that.
Oh how tempting that sounds.
But Seulgi couldn't do that and that's the thing with having little to no friends. The smallest things bother her so much that even a simple act of kindness was hard to process. She think she'll offend Joy if she wouldn't return something that was rightfully hers. She think that she'll be talked behind her back; of how ungrateful Seulgi Kang is, that she's a thief and a weirdo. All those ran through Seulgi's head, making her anxiety sky rocket through the roof.
Finally the bell rang and she decided to wait for her classmates to disperse before going out. She didn't know how she got to the cafeteria as her mind was wandering all throughout that time but she was glad no one bothered her little bubble.

Attention || Seulrene | Ongoing
FanfictionSeulgi was scared shitless. She knew she was in deep danger because Irene Bae rarely smiles. #1kangseulgi(022321) #1seulrene(081921) #2baejoohyun(081921) #1seulgi(082921) #2irene(091021) #1baeirene(111721)