An Act?

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"Wait. Wait." She asked, looking dumbstruck at what Seulgi has said. It was as if the monolid girl has just declared war with North Korea by doing a finger gun step instead of a cute one which some idol group practiced for hours and realized it too late when the performance was done. "Hold up. Pause. Rewind. What?!"

Seulgi stopped from licking her ice cream and looked at the person infront of her. Eunae's head was tilted to the side and a frown on her face was visible.


"Irene really asked you that?"

Seulgi nodded, a slight amused smile was on her face as she watched Eunae's stunned expression. "Shocking, isn't it?"

"Man, I should've witnessed it."

"You didn't hear about her following me? Like for a week?"

"No. That's weird, though. She really did that?"

"Yeah. She followed me everywhere. It was a sight to behold and I would've been amused as well if I wasn't the one being pestered." She paused for a moment, realizing something amiss."But that's unusual. Words spread fast yet you haven't heard of it?"

Eunae shook her head. "Seul, believe me if I did then I would've been by your side in a snap. I wouldn't let go of the chance to see Irene looking stupid or.. your stupid annoyed face."

She playfully rolled her eyes and threw a used tissue at Eunae who glared in return.

"That's gross, Kang Seulgi!"

"You did  more gross things before," Seulgi joked before taking a bite of her now slightly melted ice cream.

"Hey! Jisoo was the one who ate that newspaper, not me."

"But you followed and tried to eat a tissue! And you said what?"

"That it taste like- like- " Eunae was blushing furiously at the stupidity of her answer that time that Seulgi finished the sentence with a laugh.

"Like paper. The tissue paper tastes like paper."

"But it really is! I swear."

"Oh, Eunae." She clicked her tongue and sighed dejectedly. "I don't know how you graduated high school with that brain of yours."

"Wow. Tell about the one who called economy as ococnomy."

Embarrassed, she threw another used tissue at Eunae. The latter tried to throw it back but landed a few inches short from her face. Seeing the lousy attempt, they both looked at each other and laughed at their stupidity and childishness.

When they both got over from laughing, Eunae looked at her, grinning. "It was nice, wasn't it?"

Seulgi hummed, her mind drifting back to the past. "It was. It really was."

The words hung in the air after Seulgi spoke. The silence was comfortable. It was to be expected everytime the younger was around. Seulgi was at peace because everything was easy with them.


"So..." Eunae started after the silence. "You've decided, haven't you?"

Seulgi tried to keep her expression neutral. "What made you say so?"

Despite asking, Seulgi already knew the answer. She was already expecting Eunae to know. It was after all that Eunae knows Seulgi like the back of her hand, where she'd know what's on Seulgi's mind or how she's feeling or just the tiniest quirks of Seulgi will tell her something about the monolid girl.

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