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Takeshi was speeding through the halls.
TK: His ass gets on my nerves.
He turns the corner and stops. He watched as Akai walks into a dark room, he quietly follows behind her. Once he was in he peeks around the corner and saw Natsuki and Akai talking.
AK: This boy that you said you wanted dead. He's the one with the gold hair right?
N: Yes.
TK: *Do they mean Sato?*
AK: How do you plan on getting to him?
N: I'll either have to make sure he's alone and kill him, or I kill his friends first and then kill him.
The place started to shake.
N: What are they doing?
He opened up a camera showing their battle between Sou and the others.
AK: I shall exit.
She slowly walks back and then out the door, she leans on the door and does a deep sigh. Takeshi covers her mouth making her shocked.
TK: Tell me Natsuki's plan. Or else.
He holds his sword up to her neck. She removes his hand.
AK: You've already heard, I sensed your presence when we were talking.
He gasps looking around as the place started to fall apart, he looked at where he was holding Akai but she disappeared.
TK: Huh??
He almost gets hit by a rock but runs back to the others. He saw Mizuki helping everyone out.
A rock falls on his head and he falls down, his eyes were getting heavy as he watched them all leave him.
TK: Guys...
The place crumbles down on him.
*30 minutes later*
He start moving the rocks out of his way, he had several bruises from the rocks and a few cuts from the wood.
TK: Ugh... they left me.
He gets up cripple walking towards the village, he stopped once he heard some talking. He hides behind a few rocks watching as the Ishioka's talk.
N: Go on ahead and move the body somewhere, let's go girls. The Ritsuko twins follow him as they walk away. Queen Yuna sits in front of Sou's body as he sits there dead and headless.
QY: Poor son...
TK: Hey.
She looked over at Takeshi.
TK: I need to ask you something.
QY: And what makes you think I'll help the enemy.
TK: I just want to know a few things, I won't do anything.
She looked at him suspiciously. He sits beside her in front of Sou.
TK: Why are you guys targeting Yudai?
QY: I don't really know why, we just went with what Natsuki had to say.
She looks up at the sky.
QY: He's been onto him for several years now talking about how he's gonna kill him, now since you guys are here he finds you guys as the biggest enemy now that he has a strong team.
TK: Do you maybe know what he did?
QY: I'm afraid not, Natsuki hasn't told us anything. The only person I know that knows is Akai. But I doubt she'll listen to you as she's Natsuki's biggest ally.
She gets up about to leave.
QY: You could try talking to her, but I doubt she'll listen to you.
She walks away.
TK: Wait.
She stops.
TK: Thanks for telling me all of this, even though I'm the enemy.
QY: I never got a reason to why you guys are, therefore I don't see a reason to why I need to kill you guys.
She continued walking away. Takeshi watched as she leaves before looking down at Sou. He looks up at the village.
TK: So Natsuki is hiding stuff.
He followed where Natsuki went, he saw the twins leaving him alone.
TK: "Nows my chance..."
N: I knew you would come for me next Takeshi.
He gasps and Natsuki looks over at him.
N: Don't act like I didn't know you were listening to me and Akai's conversation.
He smirks.
TK: Why are you targeting Sato??!
N: Oh. You care?
N: So you're just gonna ignore the fact that he tried to kill you for lying yesterday?
TK: That-
He groans and shakes his head.
Natsuki laughs.
N: Oh Takeshi, you shouldn't forgive him that easily you know... would you ever forgive a person that intended to stab you?
TK: N-No-
N: Then how come you forgive Yudai?
Takeshi looks down.
TK: Because... he's my best friend...
*childhood memories*
Y: Takeshi, we are friends right?
TK: Yeah of course!
Y: Then can we be best friends instead?
Y: Wa-
Takeshi hugs him while laughing.
TK: Silly Sato!
Yudai's mom was sleep on the couch drunk again. He sits on his bed hugging his knees with Hiro next to him sleep.
Y: I hope she stops this... she might get hurt...
Takeshi knocks on his window. Yudai opens the window for him.
TK: Hey, you were sad today so I didn't want to bother you. But it's been bothering me so what's wrong?
Y: My mom started drinking now... and she passed out on the couch and told me to go away...
He sniffles.
Y: I don't know why she is so mean...
Takeshi frowns and gets inside to hug him.
TK: I'm sorry Sato, that's just what alcoholics do...
TK: Even if he gets mad at me for a wrong choice that I've made that affected him he will always be my best friend.
He clenched his shirt collar.
TK: And you're gonna have to kill me first if you wanna get to him!
N: Bleh... all this lovey dovey stuff is disgusting. This is a battle not a love story!!
*Chibi animation*
TK: ;-;
TK: After this moment I'm starting to rethink you as being the most powerful villain
N: -0-
*End of Chibi animation*
He throws his cape away.
N: For this battle I want to take you on in a fist fight.
TK: What?
N: You're the strongest one on your team right? I wanna challenge you to a fist fight.
TK: ;-;
TK: Uh...
N: Just put your weapons down, I don't have mines.
Takeshi slowly puts his sword on the ground. Then stands in a fighting position awkwardly.
N: Good! Now before we start I'm just gonna tell you my punches will either leave a very big bruise or even break a bone on you.
He says while popping his neck.
TK: Can we start now?
N: Yeah, I guess...
Takeshi smirks and uses his speed to run around him.
N: What the-!
Takeshi shows up behind him and punches him in the face. He speeds around him again and kicks him into the ground, then uses his speed AGAIN to punch him down.
TK: That was easy.
He says clapping his hands together.
N: How are you so fast-?
TK: Because I am, what benefits it more is that whenever I use my speed I gain more muscle strength.
He says flexing his arm muscles.
N: Argh.
He stands up. Takeshi runs around him and punches him, this time three times in the gut. He speeds around one more time and does a flying kick to his face.
N: *He is too fast.*
Natsuki waits until Takeshi stops running, Takeshi was gonna punch him until-
N: Gotcha.
He turns around ready to grab Takeshi's arm, Takeshi gasps as Natsuki pulls him in and knees his gut several times before throwing him down. Takeshi tried to sit up but his stomach hurt from all the knee kicks.
N: Finally got you. I'd like to see you try and use it again, maybe it'll work.
Takeshi glares at him and sits up.
TK: *I need a new plan...*
He suddenly started floating towards Natsuki, he looks around confused. Natsuki grabs onto his shirt collar and looks into his eyes.
N: Do me a favor. Don't get into other peoples business, especially with me and Yudai.
He punches Takeshi.
N: I don't want you ruining what I've prepared for him.
He punched him again.
N: And I'm not gonna let you go that easily.
He smirks as he pulls out a tiny knife. He slowly drags it along Takeshi's throat and Takeshi tries to hold in his screaming and yelling. Once he stops cutting him he licks the knife clean. Blood pour out of his throat.
N: Now run along or else I'll kill you.
He throws Takeshi far away from him and into a tree. Takeshi slides down the tree slowly and falls onto the ground.
TK: Damnit...!
He covers the cut on his throat with his hand. He takes his jacket off and holds it up to his neck to try and stop the bleeding.
TK: How come he didn't want to kill me yet?
He groans.
TK: His only eye is on Sato, I'm gonna have to keep him away from him or else he'll die.
He takes some bandage out from his jacket pocket and wraps it around his neck, he took the rubber band out of his hair to tie the bandage tight.
TK: I need to get back to the house and protect Sato...
He stands up and weakly walks towards the village. His eyes started to get heavy but he slapped himself to stay awake.
TK: Don't pass out now... you're not bleeding-
He coughs
TK: ...that much...
He drops to his knees and starts punching himself.
TK: Don't you dare... pass out!
He accidentally punches his ding ding dong and groans. He falls headfirst holding onto his crotch. He heard a girl laugh.
?: Thats one way to keep yourself up.
He looks up at Akai who had a hole where her heart should be.
TK: ...
AK: Let's just say Natsuki thought he killed me.
She smiles and he just stares.
TK: What are you doing here...?
AK: Yudai is in trouble. He went to Natsuki himself to finish him but I "died" before I could help him. He's on the volcano mountain.
Takeshi sits up.
TK: And why should I believe you?
AK: Because, he tried to save me. So I came to help you.
They could hear gunshots going off from the distance, they both look at where the others were as there were creatures coming in fighting them.
AK: Natsuki sent them. You need to go save Yudai and get out of here, or else he'll kill all of you.
TK: But what do we do once we escape?
AK: Just go. Live your life before he ruins it.
TK: But-
AK: There's no time!
She helps him up.
AK: Yudai is gonna die!
She uses her illusion powers, Takeshi saw Yudai fighting Natsuki but being dragged towards the volcano. He gasps once he saw Yudai getting thrown in.
He instantly speeds to the mountain, Akai saw him leave as her hair get blown by the wind.
AK: You got this.
Takeshi was dodging all the trees in his way. He starts speed jumping up the mountain grabbing onto every rock on it. He almost falls but was able to get past it and keep going. He makes it to the top and looks down and saw Yudai getting thrown around.
He jumps down onto the platforms until he was on Yudai's level. He saw Yudai get thrown up into the air and Takeshi speeds across to catch him.
TK: Are you ok Sato...?
Yudai looked up at Takeshi. Takeshi saw Yudai's tears and gasps.
*TK: Poor Sato... he must've been hurt...*
Yudai hugs him while bawling. Takeshi hugs back while rubbing his head.
TK: I'm sorry for all that I've said and done, I was selfish but I promise you I left for a good reason.
Y: I'm sorry too
He sniffles
Y: I should've understood that it was hard to tell me something like that.
TK: You were fighting Natsuki huh? You look like you were defeated badly.
Y: I don't find you funny -_-
Takeshi smiles.
*TK: if only I came here earlier he wouldn't look like this, but I'm an idiot...*

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