Chapter 12 - Fallen in love

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The next morning came calmly and it seemed that Alfred actually had woken up first, finding himself hugging the other male in a protective manner. He smiled down at his Queen as he realised everything was real. Everything was going so well. He released his grip a little, in case it was too tight but didn't let go of him, wanting to embrace the other as he appreciated him. He couldn't help it, Arthur was a rare; valuable ore that had been hidden in a giant forest and luckily for Alfred, he had discovered him and managed to claim him. He had even been polished and turned into a shining emerald before becoming queen. An emerald that would be blinding to the kingdom and it's allies.

After a couple of minutes of just idly watching Arthur sleep, he leaned down to peck his forehead softly. "My beautiful queen..." he mumbled shortly afterwards, his voice full of honesty and passion.

"Mm, well that's something nice to wake up to" Arthur's voice said quietly as the other leaned back, his face bright red. Arthur opened his eyes shortly afterwards and gave him a gentle smile "unexpected but definitely appreciated" he added before the two of them naturally moved to sit up in the bed.

"I didn't know you were awake! Geez man, my heart skipped a beat when I heard your voice!" He said dramatically before he let out a soft laugh "but it's better than having to wake you up later when the royal day begins. I have a feeling you'd be grumpy if anybody tried to wake you" he joked lightly as he let out a chuckle "a little feisty even~"

Arthur listened to him with a raised eyebrow, trying his best not to smile or laugh. "Oh, is that so?" He asked "well you'll find out if that will ever be the case" he told him mischievously. "I expect that you usually sleep in and you find it hard to get up in the morning. At least when you're on your own." He told him as he thought about the other and his personality. Though he stifled himself from calling the other a 'lazy twat' and simply kept it in. He didn't want to show the other that side of him, he was a Queen after all. Throwing insults all of the time was not a queenly manner.

Alfred laughed once again and nodded swiftly "Haha! Dude you guessed it! I hate getting up in the morning" he told him before thinking as a smirk appeared on his lips. He then leaned over to embrace the other some more, kissing his temple on his head. "But maybe with you, I won't be like that again~" he said with a grin on his face.

" you're the sappy type?" Arthur asked with a subtle laugh. "I could tell before but geez, you're clingy" he added before he turned his head away, his face dusted with a light pink blush "but I suppose it isn't so bad because it's you. I'm just not used to so much affection" he added, not wanting the other to feel at fault or feel bad.

"You bet! And don't worry dude! I get that 100 percent!" Alfred declared with a bright tone of voice "if you ever feel uncomfortable, you can just tell me, okay?" He stated, he wanted Arthur to be as comfortable as possible after all. Especially considering this was a big change.

"Yeah, I'll tell you, you twat" Arthur responded, though he couldn't help to turn back and just nuzzle his face into the other's chest. His response made Alfred laugh, thinking it was cute.

"Hey Artie...I think I've definitely fallen in love with you by now..." Alfred mumbled gently after a couple of minutes of just silent embrace.

"Yeah...I think I've fallen for you too, idiot" Arthur mumbled in response, hugging onto the taller blond male tighter as he felt embarrassed. Though he was simply met by Alfred hugging him tighter, giving him clarity and reassurance. He was definitely thankful for that...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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