Chapter 3 - The Royal Ball

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Why was he so nervous? He was fine just moments before.
Alfred was outside the ballroom doors, listening to the bustling as many people had already found comfort in the ballroom. Was it the pressure of having to search for a queen? Or the fact that his future queen could actually be in there? He wasn't sure. He was just...nervous...

His family was already in the ballroom, even Matthew wasn't nervous. It was his ball too! They are twins after all. Maybe being an heir did put more pressure on him than he had realised prior to this moment. This moment. He felt like he was going to pass out or hyperventilate. No! He just had to calm down. He had to keep his composure in case somebody saw him out here in the hallway.
He just had to breathe...and that's what he did, taking a couple of deep breathes before he pushed open the golden doors and moving forward with grace, the royal blue coat blowing behind him as he travelled into the ballroom.

Upon arriving, many bowed to him but the majority of people attending continued to socialise and converse with one another, which he was relieved by. So much so in fact, that he managed to simply grab a glass of champagne and take cover in a corner of the ballroom, just watching the people dancing or laughing. It was nice to see from time to time.

As time passed however, his eyes kept drifting to one person. He was smaller from what Alfred could see. Though he was on the other side of the ballroom, near the windows to the balcony. His outfit seemed...less expensive than the others to say the least, perhaps even...homemade if he were to assume. The outfit consisting of a white shirt, light brown waist coat, black suit trousers with matching black shoes.
See, many of the people had been invited from inside the kingdom in hopes of giving Alfred more of an opportunity to meet his soul mate, so that meant the poor could also attend.

After a while, he tried to bore his attention awake, so that he didn't seem like he was staring at the other male but eventually, his orbs returned to lay upon the light blond haired male who was now accompanied by another male...Francis?

Francis Bonnefoy was the heir to the kingdom of Diamonds. A flamboyant and flirtatious man. Though he had a good heart behind everything he expressed. Alfred and Francis has been friends since a young age, considering they were both heirs to strong nations, it was only appropriate for them to get along at least. Though, Alfred was well aware of Francis' reputation and made sure to not look away from the pair.

And so, the heir to the kingdom was just stood there for quite some time, leaning against the wall and sipping a glass of champagne as he didn't dare to even take one glance away. You see, Francis was a hawk and it was obvious that the poor boy was his prey, any moment he could swoop him up and carry him away from the crowd. Or that's at least what Alfred believed.
Upon seeing Francis' hands slowly move to hold the other's waist in a flirtatious way, Alfred decided enough was enough and headed over like a knight in shining armour. Of course, he couldn't make it obvious what his plan was.

When he reached the two, Alfred made sure to address Francis, to make it seem like he had come to talk to him and not the poor stranger. "Francis, my dude! How have you been?" He asked him, the other blond taking his arms away from the smaller Male and turning to Alfred with a smile.

"Ah Alfred~! I didn't see you enter the ballroom. I'm doing just fine, how have you been?" He asked him with a casual look on his face.

"Great! As usual!" Alfred quickly responded before glancing over at the smaller Male behind Francis and giving him a quick wink, which Francis luckily didn't notice. "Say Francis, dude! So, I heard some ladies talking about you on my way over" he said, pointing to a random group of good looking women "maybe you should make your move, I'm sure at least one of them has a little crush on you" he joked with a hearty laugh.

"Ah? Really?" He asked with a smirk arising on his lips "in that case, mon ami, I'll be off, this was a nice chat and I'll see you later Alfred!" Francis responded, making a quick exit and simply leaving Alfred with the stranger, who breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, your highness" the blond male thanked his saviour, bowing down to show his respect "I appreciate your help and kindness" he added fondly.

"You don't have to thank me. Oh and what's your name?" Alfred simply asked him. He wanted to treat him like just another human.

"Oh, alright! Well...My name is Arthur"

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