Chapter 5: Artes y Manualidades

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You finished vandalizing the hallways with your magical sharpie and pridefully beamed at your work. Oh yeah...this is DEFINITELY gonna piss him off.

Not even a minute later a shrill aggravated shout rang through the household. You maliciously grin. Looks like the big boss is awake.

Having successfully accomplished your mission, you quietly returned the sharpie to Flug's lab, being aware not to make a peep just in case Black Hat could somehow hear you. You may have a way to get the hell out of there when he comes chasing after you but at the same time, you still were the tiniest bit scared of the legendary criminal. And you were also in his territory.

Flug sat in a chair, tucked in snugly by the side of the main table. The project of little mechanical pieces were spread across the table and he was moving his hands faster than what your mind could react to hearing a loud sound in the morning. Maybe he had coffee or something. If so, that was some really effective caffeine.

Without looking up he noticed you, much to your surprise; you hadn't wanted to disturb him. "Oh, y/n, you left before I could tell you something!"

You glanced over to him, floating in place with a raised brow. "¿Sí?" [Yes?]

He paused in his fast-paced work and spun around in the office chair, making sure to fold the blueprints over, once again- probably in case you got too curious about them.

He looked cautiously both ways over his shoulders and even above him and under the table. " really need to watch yourself; Black Hat can hear more than what people are comfortable with. Just don't say something that will make him want to go after you anymore. He already wants to destroy what's left of you." His head fell grimly. "...and he still can..."

You furrow your brow...Why was he telling you this? The atmosphere filled with a familiar tense aura of bad news.

Flug looked you in the eyes, and his seriousness would have made your blood freeze. "Your soul is not in your body, but if the ray I made that brought you here worked like it was supposed to, you can still feel pain. Sure, you can dodge pain sometimes, but if you are caught off guard, it could result in the worse. This is because you are still connected to your body, but because you are so far separated, you cannot return to it." He sighed and looked off to the side, crossing his arms in a discomforting way.

"What I'm trying to tell you is there is a way to reconnect you right now, but if you plunge into too much danger, and Black Hat happens to harm you, your body can die, and there will be no second chance for you after that. And there is no determining whether your soul will remain here as a ghost permanently, or if you will disappear and cease to exist. I am only a scientist; I cannot predict what will happen if you truly do die. Only deadmen know that answer."

"..." Well, this wasn't what I thought he would tell me. "¿Pero por qué me dices esto?" [But why are you telling me this?] You asked, tilting your head.

Flug hummed and then sighed. "Look...y/n, you're other people that come here." He said quietly. "Obviously, you're a poltergeist, I know- but more than're..." He shrugged, unable to clip words together. "I just honestly don't want to obliterate you, even if it's an order, but I also can't stop Black Hat." And as he said the name of the devil he looked around anxiously as if he appeared over his shoulder.

Aw...that was actually really sweet of him. So he wasn't trying to make something to obliterate you, but what was he making? You were dying of curiosity...but it would be rude to be too nosy. "Gracias, Flug. Gracias por decírmelo." [Thank you, Flug. Thank you for telling me.]

But this did heavily bother you. Not denying that. Part of you sank to the ground. That is why I still felt when I fell on the ground in the basement and when trying to's because I really did bust my actual, physical ass. I'm linked to my body still...!

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