Chapter 4: Proving Your Worth

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Original Casting Call is located at the bottom of the page.

Chapter 4: Proving Your Worth

"I'm sorry Mr Fuller, but Mr Trask is very busy and does not have time to meet with you today." The receptionist informed Jackson Fuller... again.

Jackson sighed heavily in frustration. "Janine, I have been very patient with Bradly, so if you would kindly tell him that I need to speak with him, rather urgently, it may end up costing the company very shortly." Jackson said looking at his tablet.

"Excuse me sir, " One of the three professionally dressed security guards in the lobby addressed Jackson. "But we are going to have to insist you vacate the property before we have to alert the authorities."

Jackson sighed, tapped his screen three times and then smiled. "Very well... what's your name?" Jackson pressed the shutter button on the tablet to take the man's photo.

"You need to leave sir, NOW." The guard sternly informed Jackson.

"Don't say I didn't warn you Janine." Jackson said as he made his way to the lobby doors escorted by the three men in suits. Jackson had attempted to get in touch with his former employers for almost a month now to discuss the situation that led to him being declared dead. He supposed the Trasks were still a bit testy on the subject as Jackson's wife was in the process of suing the company for wrongful death. Sure he was no longer dead, but the suit was still in process for other reasons that had been entered upon his "resurrection".

Jackson walked several blocks down the street to a nice corner bakery/cafe. This place was the kind of place Starbucks and Panera Bread wishes they were. The cafe had a very friendly atmosphere, it was family owned and operated and they served great beverages. Jackson was in the middle of a nice cup of green tea when his cellphone rang. He didn't even bother to look at the caller id before he picked it up.

"Hello Janine." Jackson greeted the receptionist.

"I have Bradly Trask on the line for you Mr Fuller." Janine informed Jackson.

"You can put him through Janine, thank you." Jackson said with a smug look on his face as he sat sipping his green tea.

"What the hell did you do Fuller?" Bradly Trask yelled into his phone. The response and tone were expected so Jackson had already turned the volume on his earpiece down to the minimum level in anticipation of this response.

As he was not an employee and had to put up with the Trask's garbage for over a month Jackson promptly disconnected the phone call. He casually took another sip of his tea and watched as his phone began ringing again. He noted this time it was Bradly's personal cellphone and not Janine's lan line.

"Hello." Jackson said into the phone in a calm tone of voice.

"Fuller!" The annoyed executive screamed into the phone.

Jackson disconnected the call again. Returning to his tea, Jackson could easily imagine Bradly Trask's normally pale complexion being bright red. His dark black hair that he takes pride in grooming has probably been yanked at least three times by now and that he is busting a blood vessel in his head at this moment because he wasn't getting his way.

"The sanctimonious jackass." Jackson said in regards to his former boss. Jackson sat waiting for a good ten minutes before Bradly once again tried to get in touch with Jackson. The difference was this time he sent his three rent-a-thugs that had been in the Trask Conglomerate lobby ready to toss him out. The men encircled the table that Jackson was currently sitting at.

"Mr Fuller, I'm going to have to insist you return with us to Trask Conglomerate." The rude security guard from earlier requested. The man was standing right in front of Jackson's view and Jackson did not appreciate it.

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