Chapter 9: Reclamation

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~ February 15, 2036~

Ta-er al-Sahfer was alone in the loft of the home she currently occupied next to the Fuller/Hale residence. Since moving into the house next to the Fuller/Hales family home a month prior Samantha had made friends with all of Al Sah-him's family per Asuna al Ghul's instructions. His mother reminded her of her own mother. His wife and sister were very nice and compassionate people. His twin children were adorable and so full of life. His two brothers were living their own lives but stopped in to visit their mother and stepfather from time to time. She had not formally met them but was well aware of who they were and had hacked her way into the lives. Jackson's younger brother and his wife were expecting a child of their own some time within the next eight weeks. His youngest brother was still in school and only stopped by once a month to do laundry and spend time with his mother and stepfather. The Fuller/Hale house was wired and had camera's placed though out it by Samantha. Their family life was pretty simple, nothing super noteworthy but her reports to Asuna covered what she believes the heir to the Demon was looking for.

Samantha sat back in her chair and watched a computer screen and was rewarded with a dialogue box that popped up on her screen and saw that the call was between Roxanne Fuller and Ramona Gibbler. Samantha had cloned Rocki's cellphone sim card and the card was currently residing in a special card reader designed to allows her to monitor Rocki's cellular calls via her computer. As she listened to the conversation between the two women Samantha hears Al Sah-him's wife reveals to Ramona that she is pregnant again. As the two women talk Samantha is on her laptop E-mailing Asuna al Ghul before the conversation is even done. No sooner than she hit the send she is alerted to a chime indicating she had a new E-mail. It was no surprise that the response was from Asuna. The dialogue box wanted more details. After listening to the whole conversation Samantha reports that Fuller's wife had only just discovered she was pregnant via a home pregnancy test. Roxanne was scheduling an appointment with her OB-GYN for next week to verify the results of her home test. The last response simply stated for Samantha to keep her informed on any further updates.

Three female assassins had recently arrived and were instructed to follow Ta-er al-Sahfer orders to the letter. Samantha tasks them with following and observing Jackson Fuller during his work day. Fuller's facility was very impressively protected and thus far the trio are not able to spy on him while he is in his fortified facility. Places like this were normally simple for members of the league to infiltrate and gain intelligence from but Jackson Fuller's knowledge of the league's methods seemed extensive as no member had manged to infiltrate the facility, even the legendary Senyaka was unsuccessful in breaching the security. The only intelligence they had gathered was via visual description from Senyaka when he and their employers had made an on sight inspection of the facility. Even that quick venture didn't reveal all of the intel needed to get into the facility. This was due largely to the realization that Fuller was using the site as his base of operations for his alter ego. Samantha had to admit that it was truly a stroke of genius on Fuller's part to get his employers to finance what was more than likely their own undoing.

While she was not privy to all aspects of the contract with the Trasks, Ta-er al-Sahfer knew that the clients were worried about Fuller learning something and a large part of that had to do with whatever the item in the off-site facility was. Her attention had been diverted due to the new Fuller baby but with her observation shift coming to an end she would be returning to this investigation. Deciding she needed to get into that site herself but did not dare do so in an official capacity as that would reveal to Senyaka that she was still in the states and under orders from Asuna she would have to do so in disguise. She smiled as an idea slowly crept into her head.

Three weeks later Ta-er al-Sahfer was out on a purely business shopping trip. After sending her mistress the latest intelligence report on the Fullers, Samantha ordered one of her subordinates to cover for her so that she could look into a lead concerning Al Sah-him. In reality, she was on her way to pick up a parcel that she had special ordered from one of the league's suppliers. Her first stop was to acquire her outfit. She had purchased a special hooded jacket from an armorer that worked in polymer and Kevlar. It protected against rounds from .22 caliber all the way up to .357 magnum but after that lost its effectiveness. The downside was while the material stopped the bullets from penetrating they did not shield the user from the kinetic impact of the round. She then went to a local military supply store to find and purchase a good pair of combat boots. The final items she purchased was a red domino mask and a temporary hair dye. Once her items were purchased Ta-er al-Sahfer went to the Fedex office and signed for her case. She swiftly unboxed the item and found a securely locked case with a fingerprint scanner. Disposing of her shipping box, Ta-er al-Sahfer picked up her case by the handle and carried it to her car. Samantha went to the one place in San Francisco that no one would think to look for her.

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