Chap 27:Phantom Killer

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Chap 27

Jamil and Vito are standing side by side at they watch the man inspect the needles then swoop.

Vito trembles when the needle like object swiftly fly beside his eyes.

His knee gave in and he fell.
His father is so tense he kneels beside him and check his well being.

The evil man laugh while sitting comfortably in the chair.

The man standing next to him whispers to the laughing man and then he pouts.

"I am just joking. I have a perfect control. I won't hit him."

The man standing grabs the man's chin and kisses him.

Drop jawed.
The two father and son saw how the evil man was bullied by the taller and larger build man.
The man sitting on the chair stares at the taller man after the kiss ended.
The two silenyly stare at each other then The evil man look at the father and son.

Vito flinched.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to missed you."

Vito raised both his hand and shakes his head.
" you for missing!"

The taller man humped.
The evil man chuckles.

"Well, I don't like over staying my welcome.Let's go." He said and stands up.

Jamil looks at him as if he wanted to say something.

But Geo beats him to it.

Another paper with a complicated design was put on the table and a pouch of golds.

"It's complicated so I will give you 2 weeks to finish it." He said.

Jamil and Vito are scared of Geo but they went to the drawing.
They are artist after all.

"This is complicated. Can you give us more time?"

"It's just an improved crows bow. Do not make me mad."

Jamil lips twitch. Actually, he does not wnat to see him too soon.

"Geo, let's go."

Geo smiles and nod.
This 'code' name is really making him horny plus his husband is looking so dashing.
He went to stick to him.
Whisperings sweet nothings to excite him.

Wally sighs and grabs his hand to pull him away.

While Geo is thinking of horny things while walking he bump into a man wearing a violet clothes. Like him is also wearing a half masks.

"Pardon." The man said.

Geo nods.
Wally on the other hand pulls Geo to his embraced.

"Are you hurt?"

Geo chuckles.

"No. I am fine." He said but didn't move away from Wally's embrace.

The man in violet clothes stares at them.

"You two are not from around him?" The man asks.

"We travel from different places. We are wanderers." Wally said their prepared story.

The violet man nods.
"You should be careful. There are lurking murderers that can use magic in this area."

Geo has a bad idea.
This man is gauging them.
Suspecting them.
It's about time that his crime will be discovered. It is actually later than he thought.

"Pardon?" He asks tilting his head.
"Are you...threatening us?"

Out of no where a man in white clothes arrive and pulls the violet clothed man.
"S-sorry. He is just saying nonsense." He said apologizing.
"Why are you spreading that malicious news? That supposedly a secret!" He reprimand the man in violet clothes.

"Suppressing the news and the remaining clues will disappear forever."

"And spreading it will help us solved the problem?" The man in white asks sarcastically.

"It will serve as a warning and also it will make people who forget remember. They will rake their brain to remember what happen that day and when the last they meet the victims. This will of course help us."
The violet man said calmly.

Wally realize that they are talking about the thing they are afraid to be discovered. He stiffens and want to pull Geo away but Geo didn't move with him.

"What could it be? Are you two talking about riddles?"
Geo asks as clueless as he can.

The man in white sighs.
He wants to hide it but it is useless at this point.
"You arw not from around here? The noble son that lives near here and all his men were killed recently. But the problem is not only the killer is unknown. The time of death and the people's testimony are contradicting. We called it the Phantom Killer."

Geo looks shock and he suddenly hugs Wally.
"Dear~~ I am scared."

Wally plays along and rubs his head.
"There there."

Geo smiles.
"Good thing we won't stay for long. After we are done with our shopping. Let's head to the west?"

"Sure. Wherever you want."

"Excuse me. My name is Geo and he is my husband. We travel from different regions and area as a wanderer and also a guru. My husband teaches writing and I can make embroidery." Geo said sweetly and politely. "Seeing you gentlemen are handling a case. Are you working for the Magistrate?"

The man in white looks at the man in violet clothes.

The man in violet nods.
"We work for him."

"I see. It is reassuring to know that you are already working to capture the evil phantom killer. I hope the one above to guide you." Geo said and lightly bow.

The man in white laughs.
"No worries. We will do our best for the citizen."

The man in violet is already turning away.

After walking to the forest once again.
Geo stares at the quiet Wally.

"What's wrong?" Geo asks.

"I...Let's just leave. We will bring all our belongings. I can't take a chance. What if something happen to you. Let's just go."

Geo smiles.
"I am happy that you care. I am happy you think of me more than anything. But I am also thinking of you. You love your family. You will worry about them. Our son's mother is buried here. We can't let him unable to visit her. It's fine. Even with all the technology in the world...Nobody can kill me. Capturing me...hmm...Well they can try."
He said and presses his palm on Wally's chest.
"Rather than that. How about you f*ck me and call my name?"

Wally flinched and see his aroused wife stripping sensually in front of him.


Geo chuckles.
"That is not the name of this noble man.."

" ......geo?"

Geo kisses Wally and the fight begins.

Hannah looks at Geo that has a wound in his face.
Hannah pulls Geo's hand and talks to him in private.

"Did...Did brother in law...h-h-hit you?"

Geo chuckles.
"He did...In the right places."

Hannah blushes.
"Do not cover for him! I can see your wounds."

Geo appreaciate this kind gesture.
He smiles and pat her head.
"No. We just had s*x on the forest and after being tossed I scratch my fave in the tree branches."

Hannah flushed red.
"You....You two are impossible!"

Geo shakes his head.
"I told should also try it. Tonight....after dinner this and that..."

Hannah is so distress. She is angry and pouting while waiting for her husband.

Marvin asks her but she can't tell him.Then she blushingly asks him to help him get water from the well.
There's quite silent moans near the well that night.

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