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"Hey, Anne! Wait!"

I look behind me to my best friend Mia running towards me. She was wearing the Monarch-High school uniform, the same one I was wearing. Her long brown hair touched the floor as she bowed down to clench her stomach from the stress of running. Her eyeglasses were wet with sweat and blurred with steam as if she had just run a marathon; which I think she just did, trying to find me.

"Anne where are you headed? Did you eat lunch yet? If not want to eat together? I have something I wanna talk to you about." she asks me, out of breath.

I flip the hair out of my face. It was blonde just like in my previous life. They say I inherited this hair from my grandmother, who was apparently from Switzerland before she migrated and settled down here with my grandfather. But I knew that wasn't the case.

I look at her features. She looked like a maid who would have served me in the palace in my past life, from her above-average looks to her motherly-like attitude towards me.

She was always checking whether I had eaten enough or if whether or not I was prepared for the upcoming exam. Had she been with me back then, I'm sure she would have served me as a personal maid,

all well alongside that man...

"Sure, I'm headed for the cafeteria anyways. We can talk there while we eat." I reply as I beckon for her to follow. She then fixes herself and walks right by my side.

We passed several classmen on the way, each of which would turn their heads to take a good look at me. I would never get used to all the stares. Even back in my past life, I never found this aspect of people to my liking. Being the bastard child of an affair with a commoner didn't help with that in any way.

We enter the cafeteria. It's bustling with both students and teachers. We walk over to a fortunately empty table and take a seat. I bring out a WcDonald's burger and start unwrapping it, as for Mia, she takes out a blue lunchbox with little ducklings on it and removes the cover. Her lunch mostly consisted of fried garlic rice with a bit of fish fillet as her protein. We finish prepping our meals and thanked God for the food in front of us. After, we then proceed to eat.

The stares and the turning heads don't stop even when I eat, however, its more bearable thanks to Mia by my side, glaring at anyone who tries to get too comfy with her young miss.

"Ughh, Boys..., they're like dogs with their mouths wide open, always expecting to be fed. Seriously, what a pain." She said in an annoyed tone.

"I bet the entire male student body hates you for denying them their food," I say cheerily as I eat my burger.

"A little thank you would be appreciated, your royal highness," She said waving her hand

I flinched at the nickname. I knew she only said that as a joke, but I couldn't help feel uncomfortable being called "royal". It reminded me of my not so enjoyable past life as the "Bastard Princess" of the Aecoudian Empire. Although I can recall every detail of my previous life vividly, I didn't always remember.

It happened 7 years ago. One morning when I was 9, I was suddenly visited with a serious fever that wouldn't let up no matter what the doctors tried. I never woke up from sleeping the night before and had stayed in an unconscious state for the next 2 weeks. The doctors were baffled and had already started to give up. Everything seemed hopeless until one day a miracle happened.

That day my grandfather had just come back from his vacation in Europe. He had brought back with him several souvenirs, including a little wooden mallet; my cousins were also visiting at the time and were paying their respects in the hope of my recovery. 

According to my mother, when no one was watching, one of the younger boys got a hold of the mallet my grandfather brought and smashed my head in with it. This little incident was followed by a seizure, a panic, then a full recovery in 3 days, complete with a new set of memories as Princess Agnes Elmina de la Roué Aecoudia as a bonus.

The full package, no refunds, no returns

"Ah, the joy..." I say with a sigh.

"What?" Mia asks with a confused face.

"Nothing," I say quickly.

"Huh...." Mia replies, her face filled with a little suspicion.

"Anyway, did you hear? Your class is getting a transfer student, I hear he's pretty decent looking" she says her face full of wonder.

"Surely coming from you that can't be all," I ask her curiously.

Mia was a God at gathering information, which is why I doubted that the little information she gave me was all she had. She was so good, a bunch of idiots even came up with some ridiculous theory that she's a spy from North Korea, sent here to infiltrate our school and gather information to send back to her country, and it didn't stop there. She was bestowed several "honorary" titles, such as "The Madonna Of Gossip", "Secret Agent Mia", and "The President of The School Press", which in fact, she is.

Wanna find out if he's cheating on you? Call the Madonna of gossip, she'll dispel all your worries. Wanna get your hands on the questions for the upcoming exam? Agent Mia, here and ready to serve.

"Yeah." She replies, "The teachers I interviewed put him off as an average guy, but I don't think that's the case." she says while poking a fish fillet.

"Why?" I ask, my interest piqued.

"Well, in the transfer exam he got 50% on every subject. Ex-ACTLY 50%."

"Hmmm...... Elaborate." I say as I take the last bite out of my burger. I didn't have to be a spy from North Korea to figure out something was off.

"So yesterday afternoon, I broke into the principal's office to—"

"You did what!" I asked shocked.

She pauses and gives me that look children show when they're caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar.

"What if you were caught? Again!" I say with a face of concern.

This wouldn't be the first time she broke into the principal's office. Last time she had asked me to cover for her as she tried to steal a file regarding the lot Title of the school. Apparently, there was talk of the school being built on top of a graveyard and she wanted to prove it on the next issue of the school paper. Unfortunately, we got caught and received a huge scolding and supposedly a 2-day suspension had my parents not intervened.

"Well, I wasn't," she answers with the confidence of a professional thief.

"Anyway, I broke in to sneak a peek at his test papers and found only the first half his tests were full of correct answers, the rest were answered all incorrectly. It was the same on every subject. Perfect on the first half, all wrong on the second, as if he were intentionally trying to get 50%." she explains while finishing her lunch.

"Huh..., maybe he was just lucky." is what I answer but that's not what I really believe.

I've already encountered another fool in my previous life who intentionally fakes scores. According to him, it's amusing seeing the faces of those who underestimated you as an average student, suddenly fall on their knees in shock when you become the top scorer in the nation's capital exam.

"Maybe it's him," I think to myself.

I quickly dismiss the thought, there's no way. Having to meet him again after what happened would be most unbearable. Surely God can't be that cruel. Right?

We finish lunch and I greet Mia goodbye as we head back to our respective classrooms, not knowing that after that moment, my life would be completely turned upside down.

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