Anne (2)

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I walk through the school hallways. 

I could never accustom myself to how big the school is; and to think this was all sponsored by a single person? According to the handbook, the school has been around for about 50 or so years. I couldn't even imagine how wealthy a person should be to be capable of owning so much land and continue to maintain it for generations.

Oh wait, I was a princess in one of the biggest empires in history. I actually can imagine someone that wealthy.

"Oy Anne, you headed back for class?" I hear a familiar voice yell.

I look behind and see Aiden Martinez waving at me from across the hall, his spiky red hair and oppressing glare standing out like a duck among a group of swans.

"Yes, I am" I answer with a smile.

Aiden Martinez was the school delinquent of Monarch High. There were talks about him beating up a group of seniors just because they insulted his hair, but I knew that wasn't the case. Martinez may look like that, but he was really just a big cinnamon roll on the inside. In fact, the rumor about him beating up a bunch of seniors wasn't totally accurate. It was actually Mia who beat them up, not Aiden.

But that's a story for another time.

"Let's go together then. I'm headed in the same direction anyway." He says while rubbing the back of his head.

We walk towards our classroom. I don't sense as much staring as before, probably because everyone was afraid of Aidens glare. I giggle at the thought of a man who was into collecting Hello kitty merchandise was feared by an entire school.

Aiden notices. "What's so funny?", he asks.

"Nothing. I was just remembering something," I answer.

He looks at me while fidgeting, another problem with Aiden was that he was extremely shy. It probably took a lot of effort for him to ask to tag along. It's also the reason why the misunderstanding of him being a delinquent wasn't resolved; he just gets too embarrassed in front of people who he's not familiar with yet. The reason he had asked to walk with me was probably to help him build up his self-esteem.

"So how's Mia doing? " He asks me restlessly.

Oh, how cliche, after the incident with Mia, Aiden has fallen head over heels. Of course, Mia isn't aware of his feelings, or she's pretending not to at least from what I see.

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" I tell him.

"Come on, you know I cant. I can barely even hold up a conversation with you as is, how much more with the girl I have feelings for." He says dejectedly.

"You haven't even tried yet, you never know, what if she likes you back?" I say to cheer him up.

He pauses and looks out the window. I look at the direction he's facing. In a different section of the building, I see Mia happily chatting with an upperclassman, probably a member of the school press, though Aiden doesn't seem to know.

"Perhaps?" He says, a sad expression on his face.

"Coward," I think to myself.

Aiden was a painful reminder of how I was like in the past, too scared to decide, fearful of what the consequences might be. Just a naive child afraid to act, not knowing the regret that may haunt him for the rest of his life.

But I push the thought away. He was just a normal boy. "You led different lives," I think to myself "there's nothing to compare."

and unlike me from before, he has someone to advise him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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