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-Waring this contains lime and swearing you have been warned-
Y/n huffed as she reach a radom room .Her blood ran cold as she realized this was horrors room."Oh fuck" she curses under her breath ,her eyes turned in slits trying to find out why she had gone into this room .Out nowhere the door slightly opened ,fear took hold of her.
-[Timeskip by I don't write lemons]-

The next few days y/n has been given lots of love .She didn't mined,no,in fact she loved it. But she has been feeling werid, she would eat alot more than she wanted to .Quickly she
Grabbed some money and headed into a au.She looked around for a shop when she spotted one she walked towards it on the the way she  bumped into a cat monsters " I'm so sorry miss" she says as she looked at the cat monster. "Nah it's fine ,I'm Silent " The cat says holding out her hand when she looked at Y/n stomach " So expecting huh" Silent says looking at her."Huh " Y/n says alerted her ears went down "Your pregnant, didn't you know" Silent says but Y/n looked down at the ground "How was she gonna tell the others .Her eyes widen as she dashed to the nearest place swaps house."Blue open up" She says banging on the Door.The blue skeleton open the door " what-" But he stopped when he saw her "Come inside" he says leading her inside .fear was that was in her  arua ,blue smiled as he said ways she could tell them about her being pregnant. Let's just say when she told the bad sanses they went into possessive mode.

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