"A mission with Giyuu-San"

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i woke up from a not so great sleep,
That's right zenitsu was sleep walking again. Well i can't complain since its really useful during a encounter with a demon.

Oh right i have to get up.
I got out of bed,ate some breakfast, took a shower and boom. i was waiting for a mission from my crow, so i put nezuko in the box.

As i was heading outside i heard a crow calling my name, 'That must be the kasugai crow' i thought to myself.
I was already outside but then i saw a familiar tall figure with the kasugai crow landed on his shoulder.
Wait..is that...


"GIYUU-SAN?!" I heard a familiar voice behind me,oh it was tanjiro.
"Hey" i said not really know what to say, He seemed kinda confused. "Why do you look so surprised to see me?" I asked trying not to be weird, He chuckled a bit which leaved me with a confused face. "Nothing really,it's just usually when i wake up your already on a mission"  he said with his friendly smile. "Anyways" i said, sounding as depressed as usual

AUTHORS NOTE:yes i had to put depressed in there lol

"Apparently we have a mission together", tanjiro looked liked he was in thinking about something and was mumbling a little aswell. "Wait so does that mean the mission is gonna be a hundred times harder?" He said with an face i couldn't tell what meant. I smelled his sent, he wasn't concerned or anything he was just asking, "um probably?"I said  not actually knowing the real answer

"Well then let's go" he said with a cheery smile.

287 words
Chapter 1
AUTHORS NOTE: Hi guys sorry if it's short its night time at my place right now and my dad might get mad lol.
Anyways what do you think i should add to this story? Drama?,Sadness? Or maybe more humor? Or some other ships? Just let me know your recommendations and see if i can put it in the story😁

[~♡Flustered♡~] Giyutan story~ Kimetsu no yaiba Where stories live. Discover now