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I was on this mission with the annoying butterfly girl,to be honest i didn't even get to check on Tanjiro.

"Tomioka-San" She pushed me aside,turns out there was a demon heading my way.

The demon wasn't that hard to defeat,so we ended up going home early,on the way home.

"Tomioka-san i wanna ask you something" "what?" I said.

She then my face and kissed me on the cheek,'eh?' I thought to myself, "Do you like me back Tomioka-San?"

What?! Did i hear that right?! Her liking me?! I mean..as much as i hate Shinobu  i didn't want to hurt her feelings,what would a sane person do?!

"Yes?" I said "REALLY?! I guess we're Official now!" Damn it im such an idiot,Why did i say yes? I only like her as a friend!


I just got back from my mission,well i had two missions in one day,but i don't mind!

Oh is that Giyuu-San and Shinobu-San?

"Hey guys we're back!" Shinobu-San said,Hm? Them and Giyuu-San are holding hands,wait are they official?

"Me and Tomioka-San are official!" The others cheered and congratulated them.

Wait what is this feeling?My wound already healed but i have a pained feeling in my stomach.

I walked over to the others, "Congratulations Giyuu-San and Shinobu-San!" I dont know why but saying those words really hurt me.

Giyuu-Sans scent was kinda off,maybe because they just became official?,i went to Nezukos room to check on her.

"Hey Nezuko" Nezuko was sitting on the bed still awake,she waved back at me,as i sat down next to nezuko i felt something on my face.

Tears? I thought to myself,Nezuko seemed to notice,so she hugged me tightly,but i don't understand,why am i crying?

I-i can't stop crying,why? Why can't i stop? I still had the pain on my stomach like earlier,Is it because of that?

I mean im happy for Giyuu-San right?I'm sure i am!but why am i crying?

I'm not sad or anything,But my heart feels like my heart is about to break soon.

{AUTHORS NOTE:rip Tanjiro and his feelings}


Tomioka-san and Shinobu-San are dating now.

Well there goes my chances on dating her *UGLY SOBBING*

Hm?Oh Tanjiro went to Nezukos room,Oh right Inosuke said something to me a few days ago.

I forgot what it was,but i remember i was supposed to say yes or no,welp i don't have to answer it.

Do i? I mean maybe he forgot aswell?yeah i won't answer it, why? Because i don't remember😌

Plus i'm sure if i DID remember,i wouldn't know what to answer anyway.

Wait am i roasting myself? NO I AM THE BEST MAN ALIVE,alteast i think so.

Anyways i should probably i ask him later,if Inosuke remembers what he asked me.

Oh yeah!Tanjiro was there when Inosuke asked me!I'll ask Tanjiro later,but now i wanna sleep.

525 Words
Hey guys!
So um it's finally my moms dayoff that means I CAN USE THE WIFI FREELY NOW! so um yeah Shinobu and Giyuu are dating cause i can't think of anything else,but just a little reminder this IS a Giyutan story.this is just a little twist (or maybe it'll stay) who knows? Anyways i have to finish Kuroko no basket now.
Bye stay safe!

[~♡Flustered♡~] Giyutan story~ Kimetsu no yaiba Where stories live. Discover now