One: The Usual

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Chapter 1

Emily's P.O.V.

I woke up to someone pouring ice on me. I yelped and looked up, just to see Fred, grinning. I glared at him.

"Just some classic payback." He stated, probably regarding to the time I buried all of his clothes in a box of ice just after they were washed- magically washed of course.... Let's just say they were really chill.

I frowned. Then I realised something- I always woke up the first, which meant Fred woke up early to wake me up, which meant lil' Georgie was still asleep. I smirked.

"Now, Freddie, you just wait for me and I'll be right back to help you wake up little George. And then our little brother too." I said, getting up. 

Mischief twinkled in his eyes.

"Of course." He said dramatically bowing. "Even I need to get some supplies, actually. Be right back." He said before bolting to get his prank materials.

This is going to be fun.


Fred and I were ready. I had my water gun which was filled with ice-cold water. Fred had some blasting-candies, made by yours truly.

         The rule while eating them was- eat fast, or they explode (not too loud though, we can't have everyone waking up before being pranked, now can we?). A thing we realised sometime back is that if you open the wrapper and no one eats it, it still explodes. Cool, huh?

We were obviously going easy on George, after all- he helped us with our pranks. The funny thing is, no one except for the three of us, knew that we pranked each other as well.

    "FIRE!!" We both yell-whispered, which sadly caused George to wake up.

The fun part though, was that he still got frozen from ice-water, while a few candies bursted in front of his face.

He quickly hid under the blankets, but it didn't do much help. Fred & I laughed while he glared at us, soaking wet. He quickly got over it though.

"So, who's on our list today?" He asked grinning.


We sneaked down the stairs, into Ron's room. This was going to be awesome. We were all carrying different inventions of ours.

George; the blasting-candies (the ones which went full-on blasting mode)

 Fred; dancing-spiders( they were fake spiders that start shooting webs and dancing.)

And Me; Some blasting fireworks, which would also explode the whole room in red paint. 

It wasn't too much... But 1 year more, and we'd be off to Hogwarts. 

The more magic we learn, the more pranks get demonstrated.

We went in, and stood in the only place where we wouldn't get blasted by red colour- outside the door, with only a small peep open. 

"Three..." Fred began. "T-"

"Two.." I excellently cut him off. He was used to that by now. "One...-"

"Go!" George whisper-yelled.

Unlike George, Ron did not wake up.

Fred threw a bunch of fake spiders, which immediately began tap-dancing. Ron slowly woke up, only to see his worst fear. He screamed, and George threw his bursting-candies, while I threw my red-fireworks. 

      He started screaming, and the bursting candies started popping into his face, and my mini-fireworks started bursting near the ceiling. 

"Alert!" I yelled, and the three of us hid behind the door moments before the fireworks bursted and the whole room turned red.

"Mission accomplished." We said at the same time, hi-fiving each other.

"Emily! Fred! George!" Mum's voice came.

"Shoot. Not nice." I muttered.

"Strangely..-" Fred began.

"Mum looks-"

"Quite unhappy." I completed.

Mum came up, not looking happy and glared at us. I smiled innocently and I was sure my brothers did something similar.

"What happened today?" She asked, exasperated. 

Right then, Ron came out of the room, covered in red.

The three of us laughed while Mum and Ron glared. Mum in annoyance and Ron in... Well, he did hate us; particularly because he was our main target in pranks.

When I finally caught my breath, Ron was gone. 

"Where's Ronnie?" Fred asked.

"To clean up, don't you think?" George replied.

"Sadly, it's gonna take him at least 2 hours to get that off." I said smirking.

"Three of you." Mum's voice came sternly. "No more practical jokes for a month. I will be taking all of your supplies."

"A month??!" I said, desperate to convince my mother otherwise. "But our birthday's in a week! You surely can't do that to us when our birthday's coming up! But.."

George took the lead from there, "If we really messed up, then-"

"Sorry." I completed.

I was the best at escaping punishment, George was the best at getting information and being kind of diplomatic, and Fred was the one who came up with the best pranks and ideas. Together, we could do pretty much anything.

Mum's eyes softened. she finally sighed. "Okay then. But if you do anymore pranks like this," She pointed towards the trail of red paint, "I will not hesitate to take your supplies." 

"Of course, Mum." The three of them said at the same time.

She entered the room, waved her wand- cleaning everything up, before going back to do whatever she was doing. 

"Awesome." Fred muttered. "We can wait for a day before doing just a little prank. I have the perfect idea. And Percy will be on the receiving end."

I broke into a grin.

And this is what the Weasleys call 'The Usual'.


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