The start

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The water reached her feet, and they sank away she remembered the last time she was on this beach, how it felt like a lifetime ago.

It had only been a year, maybe a bit less, since those strong arms circled around her waist, that rough calloused hand stroked her cheek and those soft masculine lips kissed her temple, she knew she wouldn't be feeling them for some time at least until she had given birth.

Chapter 1

It all started with that damn phone call, if she hadn't answered it she wouldn't be in this mess.

She had just started working at Tenor's attorneys as Mister Daryl Tenors personal assistant. He was a high end attorney, only crooks that were good for his books and pocket were allowed to be represented by him.

It wasn't her proudest moment when she got the job at mister Tenors business, she suspected he had a thing for long black hair, tan skin and blue eyes the moment she set foot in his office.

The interview didn't last long, he was watching her like a hawk with those silver eyes, his brown hair had strokes of Grey in them the frown lines on his forehead eminent and that vicious smell of cologne that smelled of oranges of some sort mixed with musk - it made her want to gag.

He was well built for a man in his late fifties, obviously he worked out , no wedding band and standing at 6 foot he probably would've been her type if he was about 25 years younger.

"So miss Davidson, I see that you have worked as a P.A before ? If I were to call you're previous employer, would he say that you are adaptable and flexible to any kind of situation?" he asked in his deep low voice that made her spine curl into a ball and not in a good way, especially since he smirked testing the waters for that double sided question he had just asked.

She simply smiled her most attractive smile she needed this job, mom's bills were pilling up and she needed to help Andy get that education he needed so she just swallowed that pride and ignored that was flashing the warning sign that yelled Run, just run!!! and simply said :" I think my previous employer would tell you not to hire me, seeing as he never wanted to let me go in the first place."

She could see the flicker of amusement in those silver eyes, she hadn't lied completely Garret hadn't wanted her to quit but she couldn't stay after she found out about the fraud hence the reason the was back at home with mommy dearest.

Daryl watched her a moment to long to her liking and she knew she had won this round he was interested, now to seal the deal she shifted her legs and crossed them left over right like momma had told her a real lady should sit flipped her waist long black hair over her shoulder and lifted her gaze with the pearl blue eyes and thick lashes she could thank daddy for and looked him dead in the eye.

The words he said next was to be expected :"you're hired, tomorrow morning 9 am sharp, and be a good girl bring me coffee black two sugars - sweet like my woman" he chuckled at his failed attempt to flirt with her.

She shook his outstretched hand and went to get her key card at the security office.

Malcom was an old security guard, big old round tummy, Grey hair and pictures of his wife and grandchildren decorated a small portion of the wall near his desk.

"Welcome miss Davidson, I think you'll make a great addition to team. But tell me first I don't want to make a mistake on your card is it Miss or Mrs?"

Amelia couldn't help but smile at the sweet old man :"it's Miss Malcom not married yet."

The old man's eyes lit up for some reason :"then you won't mind a date then, my grandson is around your age if anything you can have an extra friend"

She just smiled she couldn't help it. "Sure why not" and wrote her number on the back of a piece of paper for the old man.

She left the office park and got into a cab and went home. Andy came running from the school bus as the cab approached he ran into her arms yelling "did you get it, did you get it?"

She just laughed at her brothers innocence Andy had bright red ginger hair a lot of freckles nothing like her tanned skin. He was as pale as a cloudy day.

"yeah I got it, I start tomorrow."

She picked her baby brother up and walked into the house started preparing lunch and did some laundry like every other day.

She helped Andy with his homework, and then mom got home. Early almost too early...

"Lia how was the job interview, did you get it?"

This was weird mom never asked about the interviews before, she was acting strange the smell that was coming from her was she perfume very expensive by the smell of it ;okay what was going on she eyed her mother for a while till Andy spoke

" Yeah mom, Lia got it she starts tomorrow, then aunt Patty will have to look after me again." he said pouting.

"He's right I got the job, but enough about me why are you home so early and since when do you wear perfume" 

She could see her mom face change from the sweet and innocent that she was trying to be right now to the woman she really was.

"I got invited to go out with friends so I'm here to get a change of clothes then I'm off."

She always did this to Amelia her so called "friends" was actually just a rich married man that came into the diner looking for a lucky night out on a good looking woman... Yes literally on a woman not with. Amelia just shook her head

"Dinner will be ready in an hour, but I guess I don't have to plate you some lasagna since your going out?"

Her mom just went silent and went upstairs a good 45 minutes later she grace them with her presence wearing Amelia's high-school dress the one dad bought her before he died.

" Take it off! As in now... "

" I look better in this Lia, better than you ever will, don't wait up I think I might be late"

Amelia had to admit her mom looked good for her age but she wasn't a teenager and that Blue lilac dress was too tight even for her, her mom had short brown hair ,long tan legs and and hour glass figure that would make Marilyn Monroe ask for advise. She inherited that hour glass figure she was not as busty as her mom but she filled a C cup no problem.

"You're a mother, what if Andy sees you wearing a dress that doesn't cover all the motherly parts I don't even wear that dress because it's to tight you need to change for Andy's sake" Amelia knew yelling getting angry and playing parent will not work on Donna Davidson she was too proud for that.

"You don't tell me what to do I tell you, you got your dad's morals never wear too short of a skirt never show cleavage, the only reason that I'm allowing you to live in my house is for Andy so shut up and go watch your brother!" she started yelling

Amelia backed away tears on the brim of breaking out, they use to be close before dad died but as Amelia got older and more beautiful her mom started hating every single inch of her. She remembered the time her mom tried to cut her long black hair while she was sleeping while intoxicated now that was always fun times.

Her mom left, she fed Andy packed his lunch for the next morning, bathed Andy and went to bed. She heard mom sneak in just after 2 am. Amelia wondered why her mom was so adamant to be young again couldn't she get a normal mother??

She got up at 7, showered and blow dried her hair, she chose to leave it hanging down it was easier, she dressed in a red blouse and black pencil skirt along with knee high black boots. She kissed Andy goodbye at the bus, hailed a cab and went for her first stop coffee.

Black two sugars as ordered, she walked into the office to find Daryl chatting with a receptionist from the office on the second floor, to busy to notice her so she just placed the coffee on his desk.

The phone rang and she answered :"Tenor's attorneys how may I help you?"

The voice she heard next was the kind to give you an ear orgasm the husky, strong dominant voice.

"Sweet heart tell Daryl to give you the Addo file and bring it to me."

That's when everything changed....

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