Hogwarts. (Youtube style- Troyler)

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I sat staring out the window for the longest time ever. I was going to be home. Finally. I missed everyone. It feels like it's been so long but its only been two months.

About 5 mins later the door to my compartment opened and I felt two arms wrap around me and engulf me in a huge hug.

"Heyyyy!" I heard then shout really loudly in my ear. I span around and sitting in front of me was dan, phil, Carrie, connor and, the one and only, Tyler Oakley. Yeah. Thee Tyler Oakley. The one who defended Hogwarts and fought in the great battle that was set here 5 years ago.


" hey guys. I got your letters. But my mum wouldn't let me send any back again. She's constantly thinking about the 'poor little owls' that have to travel all day and all night." I said. Looking round at everyone. They were all dressed in there robes with their house tie on. Dan and Phil's were yellow, Carries was green (even though she is one of the nicest people you will ever meet), Connors was blue and mines and Tyler's were orange.

Tyler Sat down next to me and said, "what do you wanna do when we get there?"

I turned to carrie, pretending to think, while she gave me a silent nod and turned to talk to connor.

"Wanna go for a walk around the forbidden forest?" I said, looking into his dreamy, sea blue eyes with a hint of hope in my heart.

He smiled and I was sure for a moment he glanced down at my lips. "Sure. We can unpack tomorrow."

And it wasn't until he had fully backed away that I realised how close we were.

*an hour later*

We heard the voice of hagrid, the care taker, shout to all the first-years to follow him to the boats. Me and Tyler said our good byes to the rest of the gang and headed up the Gryffindor tower to the common room.

"Tyler?" I said. Looking over at him without a shirt on. I stared at his muscles then suddenly realised what I was doing and looked into his eyes.

"Do you wanna grab a bag pack and put a blanket and some snaks in it." I suggested. Wondering how long we would be gone for.

"Sure." He replied with. Putting on a new shirt and tying his tie around his neck, he walked towards his bed and pulled out his case that was underneath it. I noticed a few things in his bag as books and his new nimbus 5000 but in between his broom and 'care of magical creatures' book, there was a black book with silver writing on it. I couldn't make out what the writing said but I knew for sure I had to find out. I don't know what is was but I had to know what was in that book.

"Ready?" I heard Tyler say as he had his hogwarts robes on with his golden/orange tie and a bag pack slung around his shoulder.

"Yup." I said, putting on my heavier jacket and grabbing my wand.

*25 mins later*

We were walking along the line between hogwarts and the forbidden forest with a comfortable silence lingering in the air. It's not that we didn't have anything to say we just loved listening to the sounds of the forest.
"Wanna sit here?" Tyler asked me as we had came to a tall, thick tree.
"Sure yeah." We sat down under the tree as the sun began to set. Tyler took off the bag pack and set out empty plates on each side of the blanket. Even though there were only two of us Tyler put down four plates.
I gave him a confused look. "Why four?"
He looked at me, smiled, put his finger on his lips and looked back up at the sunset.
It was so beautiful. But I can name something even more beautiful. I looked over at Tyler and saw he was already looking at me.
"Hi" he said. Smiling his little smile showing off his cheek bones.
I giggled and said, "hi" back.
Tyler inched closer to me and looked down at my lips. He exhaled and I could feel his breath on my face. I didn't know what was going to happen. Right then. That was the moment that killed me.
He leaned in slowly. Just as he was about to connect our lips he..... "Troye?" My eyes shot open to Tyler sitting next to me.
I had to look around a bit to notice that we were stilly sitting on the blanket and looking at the sunset. So Tyler didn't kiss me after all then? I let out a sigh and continued to look up at the sky. (That rhymes)
After small talk and eating some food we began to pack up when it began to get really dark. We looked up and saw that the tree that we were sitting under was glowing. Not glowing but it was as if there was writing on it in shinny silver lettering.
B+K, P+D, H+T. Names written all over it.
Tyler looked over at me and without saying a word we both being out our wands and pointed them at the tree. In bright silver letters spelled T<3T 4ever.
Tyler looked at me and laughed a little laugh. He bent down and hugged me.
"I've missed this Troye. I'm glad you're hear with me again." And he leaned away and kissed my forehead.
I took my chance and held onto him right. I leaned in as he leaned in to. This was it. It was going to happen now. Our lips touched together tenderly as if we felt if we went to fast we would break each other.
The kiss was nothing but love and care. And it was way beyond what I thought it would be. I had so many emotions right now. Butterflies in my tummy, my brain doing summer-salts, fireworks exploding inside me. I couldn't take it.
We both pulled away from lack of air and Tyler smiled at me.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." He said winking and bringing me into another kiss.


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Have an Amazon day/night and I'll see you guys soon. Xxx

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