Connected by heart.

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'Pass the cereal.' I looked across the breakfast table at my 10 year old brother Sean.
"You know you could have just asked me?" I said rolling my eyes. 'You know you don't have to continuously talk to me through mind telepathy.' I told him sternly.
'Oh! Big words' he smirked.
'Don't start or your iPad will be going straight out this window!'I threatened.
"MUM! Becca said she was going to throw my iPad out the window!" Sean chanted for our mother. For 9 he can be such a child sometimes. That's what annoys me about him.
My mum then pokes her head through the kitchen door. "What's all the commotion in here?" She asks, sternly.
'Watch this.' Challenges Sean through mind telepathy.
"Mummy! Becca tried to throw my iPad out the window!" He wined, as fake tears gathered in his eyes. He made me sick. Yeah. We're brother and sister. And yeah. I love him. But sometimes. I just wanna hit him!
"Rabekah! Leave your brother alone! You two are supposed to be the best of friends. Can you two not just get along for at least one day?" She moaned then walked back into the living room.


"And she was like, saying we have to try and get along and everything. And I'm just here like... Excuse me. Did you get along with your sister when you were my age? Seriously. Sometimes I think she forgets I'm turning 14 this year." I rolled my eyes as I told Kam the events of this morning as we sat on the rocks outside the PE hall waiting for our friend Kyle to exit basketball.
"Your brother isn't that bad." He said. Rolling his head to emphasise his statement.
"Oh believe me. He is. He as bad as-"
"Hey guys!" We turned around to see who had shouted and saw Kyle walk out of the PE hall and walk over towards the rocks we were sat upon. "What have you two been up to while I've been gone?" He said, jumping up onto the Rock and sliding down next to me so he could rest his head on my lower thigh.
"Literally nothing. We've been sitting here talking all break. How was basketball?" I asked, tangling my hands through the wavy locks of his hair.
"Cuties!" Shouted Kam from next to us. Even though Kam knows that me and Kyle are as close as siblings he still insists on thinking we would be a cute couple. I don't see it. He's like my big brother.
"Basketball was good. Callum was being a twat again and talking shit about you." He said looking away from my face as to try and avoid telling me what he was saying.
"What was it about?" I asked, if he didn't want to tell me maybe I could guess?
'Shit how do I tell her he was being homophobic?'
I gasped and looked at Kyle. He looked confused and a bit worried.
"What?" He said out loud.
"What-" I cleared my throat. "What was he saying about my sexuality?" I looked into Kyles eyes.
'How the hell did she do that?'
I looked into Kyles eyes, mouth wide open and said the first thing that came to mind.
"I can hear what you're thinking!" I said. Pointing at him enthusiastically.
'She's lying. But just to make sure. IM NOT WEARING ANY UNDERWEAR!'
I smiled and began to laugh. "Are you actually not wearing any underwear?" By this point Kyle was sitting bolted upright on top of the rock. We were both very confused and didn't understand how, even a though only siblings can read each others minds, how could we? As far as I knew, me and Kyle were not related in any way shape or form. But we both thought it was pretty cool and couldn't wait to try it out.


That day in social subjects, the only class I sit anywhere near Kyle in, was probably the most eventful. We had been talking like this all day and got into trouble quite a lot for it considering in English when I told Kyle that he was staring at the English teacher, Mrs McCormacks, ass for the past 10 minutes... He got really mad at me and went bright red in the proses, almost passing out and me having to take him down to the medical room to get some water and to see why he was sweating so much. In mine and Kams opinion it was pretty funny. But by the time lunch came he was still pissed even although he had managed to catch me staring at this 5th year girl and biting my lip to then do the exact same thing to me. Not my fault the girls skirt was to small for her!
We're sat in social subjects the now with the teacher, Mr Russle, bark on about some weird weather that is happening in the dessert. As if we care. Kyle is sat in front of me doodling in the desk and humming to him self.
'Hey kyle?' He turned around to take one quick glance at me, giving me the death look in the proses.
'What do you want Rabekah?' He angrily replied.
'Hey! It's not my fault this happened. I'm not even sure what's going on here. Not like I want you in my mind anyway. I have my own thoughts to worry about here.'
I saw his shoulders rise and fall with a heavy sigh leaving his lips. He turned around to me, looked into my eyes and said, 'I'm sorry. I didn't think it was bothering you because you were having a laugh. Becca? You know I love you but having you in my mind is weird. I don't know how siblings can handle this...' His eye brows began to dip and his eyes then dramatically opened. 'Becca! It's because we looks at each other like brother and sister. That's why we can read each other's mind. Because we're as close as brother and sister.'
He jumped up off of his seat but not before the teacher shouted,
"Excuse me Mr Orourke and Mrs Feeney? Is there something more interesting than my teaching?" He looked at both of us... Waiting for an answer.
"Well, Sir," began Kyle.
'Oh god kyle please don't.' You see Kyle has this thing where he just HAS to talk back to a teacher.
"Quite frankly, I think I'm speaking for everyone in the class when I say we were all half asleep with you talking to us there. Well at least that's what Rabekah was telling me." He said, sitting back down and turning to me as did everyone else.
"Well, Rabekah? Do you find my class boring?" Asked Mr Russle. He looked hurt and disappointed.
"Not that there is anything wrong with your class Sir, I'm sure there are people here that enjoy it. But me, Sir. I just don't think that I want to be taking this class next year. It's not really my highest talent." I looked down at the table.
Mr Russle straightened his back and sniffed in. "Well," he's voice broke. "You and Mr Orourke can make your way up to detention. Explain to Mr Skandlin as to why you are being put there."
"Yes Sir." Me and Kyle both said and stood up out of our seats and walked towards the door.


Kyle opened up the door to detention for me and offered to explain to the teacher why we were here while I went and took a seat right up the very back of the class next to the window.
Kyle came and sat beside me and took my hand in his. He looked into my eyes and said out loud, but in the tiniest whisper he could, 'SISTER.'


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