Part 7

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Aera POV: Yoongi is driving you back to the house after the doctor told you you have a broken rib. You refused to have surgery so the doctor just said to take it easy for a few weeks. Yoongi didn't like the fact that you refused treatment. The car ride was silent until he spoke.

Yoongi: Why did you refuse treatment

You heard the anger in his voice

You: I told you I didn't want to go in the first place

Yoongi: By simply sleeping on your stomach could put you in danger Aera!

You: It's been like this for 2 weeks, I can survive a few more

Yoongi: AERA!

You: What

Yoongi: if you don't accept treatment I will tell my parents, and my uncle

You: I don't care

Yoongi: fine

The rest of the ride was silent. When you get back to the house the twins run up to your. as they were about to jump into your arms Yoongi spoke

Yoongi: Freeze!

both of the twins freeze and look at there brother confused

Jiwon: Why

Yoongi: You can't hug her

You: Min Yoongi

Yoongi: You're the one refusing treatment

Jungkook: what treatment? 

Jin: What happened

Yoongi: She has a broken rib and is refusing treatment

they all look at you and you resist the urge to hit Yoongi

Jihun: Huh

You: Noth...

Yoongi cut you off

Yoongi: she has bad pain right here

He hovers his hand around his ribs. 

Jiwon: What happened!?

Namjoon: Yes, what did happen

You look at Yoongi who was about to speak

You: I swear to god Yoongi I will kill you

He puts hands up as if he's surrendering. You go upstairs and go to your room. Jiwon and Jihun follow you. 

Jihun: Aera can you sing to us?

You: Not right now

Jihun and Jiwon: please

they look up at you with pleading eyes.

You: fine fine

You play the song on your phone and you sing along. They get up and start dancing as your singing.

Yoongi POV: You are with the guys talking about what happened when you hear music coming from upstairs.

Tae: Why is that so loud

Everyone goes upstairs to Aera's room. When you open her door you see the twins dancing around Aera, as she's singing along with the music. 

Namjoon: Is she singing?

You nod your head

Jimin: Damn she's good

You: you should hear her singing a lullaby

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