Part 10

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Aera POV: You wake with a pain in your head. When you open your eyes your vision was almost blurred from the migraine. You see Yoongi sleeping beside you, so you slowly get off the bed, you look at your phone and you see a missed call from your mom. You were about to call her back when you suddenly needed to throw up. You run into the bathroom forcing the door open and it hits the wall. You don't make it to the toilet but you make it to the sink. You close your eyes as the liquid comes out of your mouth. When you open your eyes all you see is blood in the sink 


You hear him get off the bed and run to you

Yoongi: what's wrong are you o...

You suddenly felt very dizzy as you tried grabbing onto the counter to stabilize yourself.

Yoongi: Aera we should get you to the hospital

he runs back into your room grabbing his phone and dialing 119 ( Korea's 911 ) You hear him talking but it all gets muffled, then you feel yourself falling onto the ground

Yoongi: AERA!

The last thing you see is Yoongi running up to you. Then everything went pitch black.

Jiwon POV: you sit up in bed when you hear your brother scream. You get off your bed and you go into the hall. You see Jihun on the other side of the hall and you both run into Aera's room. When you get there you see Yoongi coming out of her bathroom holding Aera who had blood all over her face.

Yoongi: Jiwon Jihun, I need you two to be brave for me ok

you felt fear as your brother was also shaking in fear. you nod your head and he runs up to you

Yoongi: Jiwon grab my phone out of m-my pocket, and can you put it on speaker.

you grab his phone and he runs downstairs. you and Jihun follow as you put his phone on speaker, you hear a woman's voice.

Woman: There is going to be an ambulance there in 2 minutes.

Yoongi: Jiwon What did she say?

You: She said there is an ambulance in 2 minutes

Yoongi: ok, umm Jihun unlock the door and open it please

he quickly unlocks the door and opens it Yoongi set Aera on the couch, you watch as he runs around grabbing things

Yoongi: Jihun go upstairs, in Mommy and Daddy's room there is a red backpack under there bed can you go get it

He nods his head and runs back upstairs. You walk up to your brother who is grabbing random snacks and juice pouches

You: oppa

you were scared

he turns his attention to you and crouches down to your level

Yoongi: It's going to be ok, I promise, everything will be ok.

When Jihun comes downstairs Yoongi takes the bag from him and shoves stuff into it. At the moment you see a large car pull up making loud noises and it had flashing lights. 2 people come out of it and run inside. with a bed on wheels. Yoongi runs over to Aera and picks her up placing her on the bed.

Yoongi: Please take care of her, I will meet you at the hospital

They nod and they take he into the car and drove away turning on the loud noises again. Yoongi takes his phone from you and hangs up with the lady. her clicks on his phone making another call. 

Jin: Yoongi why are you cal...

Yoongi cuts him off

Yoongi: Hyung Aera threw up blood, she's being rushed to the hospital

The call goes quite

Jin: What hospital me and Namjoon will be there

Yoongi: They're taking her to XXX I'm packing things for the twins and I'm taking them over there with me

Jin: Ok, well we are on our way to the hospital come when you can

he hangs up the call.

Yoongi: You two stay down here

Yoongi POV: You run upstairs to my room and You grab a hoodie and a pair of jean to change. You then grab your car keys stuffing them into your pocket. You run down the stairs and you go into Jiwon's room. You grab her jacket, blanket, and her favorite stuffed toy. You put it all in one of her backpacks. You then go into Jihun's room doing the same thing. You run downstairs with the two backpacks. You give them to the twins.

You: Get into the car I'll be there soon 

they nod you unlock the car and they go into the garage. You finish packing the red bag and you run out, locking the front door. You open the garage and you get into the car starting it up.

You: Seat belts

you throw the red bag into the passenger seat and you put on your seat belt. You start to drive. You looked in the rear view mirror and you see the twins filled with fear. 

Jihun: Is Aera ok?

You: Honestly no, but the doctors will fix her, and she will be as good as new

You say this not trusting your own words, a tear rolls down your face. You see Jiwon trying so hard not to fall asleep. you look at the clock and you see its only 4 am. 

You: Jihun, can you take the blanket out of Jiwon's bag for her

he reaches over grabbing her bag and opening it. You kept your eyes on the road wanting to get there as fast as possible. When you get there you get out of the car quickly. You open Jihun's door and he jumps out. You go over to Jiwon's door and you open it, you carefully unbuckle her and you wrap her in the blanket. She wraps her arms around your neck burying her head into your chest.

You: Jihun grab your bag and your sister's please

You reach into the passenger side grabbing the red bag. You close the door and you lock up your car. You put your keys into your pocket. You grab Jihun's hand and you start to run. when Jihun started slowing down you crouch down and you pick him up. When you get into the building you see Jin and Namjoon waiting. You go over to them

Namjoon: They took her into surgery the doctor said she was bleeding internally.

Jin: there were fragments of the broken rib that was tearing at her inside.

Namjoon takes Jihun out of your hands holing him. Jin takes the red bag and the two bags that Jihun was holding.

 Jin takes the red bag and the two bags that Jihun was holding

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