Part 32

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Yoongi POV: You're laying on the floor in Aera's room, when you wake up hearing the light switch turn on. You open your eyes and you hear someone in the bathroom.

You: Shit

You get up and go into the bathroom seeing Aera, crying on the floor. You sit next to her

Aera: Yoongiiiii

she cries and lays down on your lap, but she quickly sat back and goes to the toilet throwing up. you hold her hair back, and pat her back. when she was done you wipe her mouth and she lays back down on your lap. You stayed in the bathroom for about 10 minutes, when she fell asleep in your lap. You then fell asleep sitting there with her on your lap. The next morning Aera wakes up, which in turn woke you up. 

Aera: owie

she holds her head whining

You: that's what you get for drinking so much

Aera turns to you and pouts. You flick her forehead

Aera: Ouch!

You: That's your punishment

Aera: My head hurrrttttsss

You: Well learn your lesson

Aera: Can you make me soup

she looks at you with pleading eyes

You: No

Aera: Pweeseee

You: Fine

You stand up and help her off the floor

You: But first you need to take a shower

You turn on the shower letting the water heat up.

Aera: Will you take a shower with me?

You: Not when my cousin is laying on your bed

Aera: What?

she turns around and sees Song-i

You: you both passed out drunk before 11

Aera: oops

You: Now you shower I will drive her home and make your soup 

you kiss her forehead and you walk out of the bathroom closing the door. You go over to Song-i and you pick her up bringing her downstairs putting her in your car. You get in the car and call your uncle telling him you were on your way. thank goodness she slept the whole time. when you back to the house you made Aera her soup. You were almost done when you felt Aera wrap her arms around your waist. You could smell her fragrant conditioner.

Aera: It smells yummy

You: so do you

you turn around and kiss her sweetly. when she kisses you back you smile

You: i'm glad you brushed your teeth

she started laughing

Aera: Well I wouldn't be able to survive without a kiss

she pecks your lips and sits down at the counter smiling

You: Well you seem to be feeling better

Aera: Mhm

you give her a bowl of soup and you get some for yourself too. You both sit watching Tv while eating. when you were done you clean up, but then cuddle back up to Aera, laying your head on her stomach wrapping your arms around her waist

Aera: What should we do today

You: Cuddle

Aera: Cuddle

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