Part 50

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Yoongi POV: You wake up to cries on the baby monitor. Aera Moves off your chest, she kicks you

You: Ow!

Aera: Go get Y/N

You: get up and you go into your 3 month old daughter's room. 

You: Daddy is here, it's ok

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You: Daddy is here, it's ok

You pick up your crying child, and slightly bounce her to calm her down. Once she calms down you go to the changing table and you change her diaper. You then pick her up and bring her to your bedroom.

Aera: Hey baby girl

you give Y/N to Aera, and she feeds Y/N. You lay back down in bed, your head next to Aera's thigh. she finishes feeding your daughter, and she falls back asleep. Aera lays down and puts our daughter in between us. we both drift off to sleep as we cuddle up to our Daughter.  


You wake up to see your daughter laughing and smiling as Aera played with her. 

You: Morning

Aera: Oh sorry, did we wake you

You: no, you're fine princess

Y/N looks at you as takes her small hand and touches your face. You kiss her fore head. 

Aera: I'm hungry

She pouts at you making you smile

You: What do you want?

Aera: Hmmm, Pancakes?

You: I'll go make you pancakes

You peck her lips and you get out of bed. You go downstairs and you mix the batter for the pancakes. Aera came downstairs with Y/N on her hip. She put's Y/N in her pack and play, she then walks over to you and wraps her arms around your waist. 

Aera: They smell Yummy

You: here

You give her a plate of pancakes. You both sit down and eat your breakfast. when there was a knock at the door. Aera get's up and answers the door. 

Aera: Thank you

she walks back into the kitchen with a box.

You: What is it?

Aera: Not sure, It's from Your mom

She sets it on the counter. You take it and open it. You pull out a bag of plastic balls, and a deflated ball pit. 

You: Wow, she bought us a ball pit

Aera: Why did she by us this though? 

You: I'm not sure

Aera: Y/N Do you want to play with your new toy?

we both turn to look at our daughter who is happily playing, with the hanging toys

You: I'll set it up 

After blowing up the pit Aera puts the balls in. You pick up Y/N and you put her in the ball pit. She was confused at first, but then started playing with her new toy. she had fun playing in it, as you both watch her smiling. 

Author's note:
Hello, So I plan on hopefully making a part 2 to this story sometime in the future, just not right now. If you would like me to make a Part 2 to this book please let me know. Also leave some suggestions for part 2 in the comments. I hope you liked the book! 

 I hope you liked the book! 

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