Theory 1 (P2)

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Secret Love song. We all know that it's turned into an LGBT anthem and this is where it fits into our first theory. 

Secret Love Song wasn't originally written about the LGBTQ community or Jerrie, but it's slowly turned into a song that they can both relate to. Hence the looks and secret glances they give each other while singing the song. Towards the end of the ballad they often have a quick touch of hands or a reassuring smile. 

Jerrie never happened and never will according to our first theory but Secret Love song is a way in which they can both acknowledge their feelings while accepting that they're both happy in other relationships and that the band is more important than pursuing something that may not even work out anyway. 

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In each picture Jerrie are giving each other a knowing smile that seems almost bittersweet

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In each picture Jerrie are giving each other a knowing smile that seems almost bittersweet. And this look isn't just passed between them at a few concerts here and there, it's passed between them all the time - nearly every time they sing secret love song. And it's just Perrie and Jade that do it, Jesy and Leigh-Anne are focused on the crowd, as are Perrie and Jade, but when they look at each other it's as though they're in their own world completely.

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