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You stare at your screen and read the message over and over until the words become a jumbled mess in front of your eyes. Did he really just sent that? You come with me. You feel a smile appear on your rosey face. You place your phone on your chest and lay back on the bed and close your eyes as thoughts race around your head. You feel your heart beating against your phone, you look down to see the small movements your phone makes, bouncing up and down.

Suddenly you feel your phone vibrate against your chest indicating an incoming call, you lift it up to see the caller ID. Your thumb swept across the screen as you lifted the device to your ear, a soft "Hello?" escaping your lips.

"I hope I wasn't too forward." Your ears are enriched with his husky voice.

"Not at all." You try to stay calm and collected. "It is my job after all. To look after you and ensure you have everything you need. I can speak to Lindy tomorrow" As much as you wanted to gush with excitement, you knew you had to stay professional. This was, of course, part of your job.

You hear a low muted moan on the other end of the phone; "Look after me, eh?" You imagine Taron sat in bed with a thin white sheet laying perfectly over his bare abdomen. You feel a tingle in the pit of your belly warning you not to step over any boundaries, as tempting as it was.

You talked for what seemed like hours. Talking about your families and your hopes and dreams. Everything just felt so natural. It wasn't until you felt your phone buzz alerting you that it had 10% battery left that you realised the time.

"My God, it's almost 3 am." You exclaimed down the phone as you pulled the phone charger up from the floor plugging your phone in.

"Is it really?"

"I have to be up in a few hours."

"I'm sorry to have kept you awake. I've enjoyed talking to you."

"Me too. It's been nice getting to know you Taron."

"You really should get some sleep. Sleep tight Megan."

"Goodnight Taron." And with that you both hung up.

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, and then reached down to pull the cool white sheets over your warm body. From the moment you closed your eyes you felt sleep slowly take over your body, drifting you into a peaceful dream.

At precisely 7am you were rudely awoken from your slumber by the high pitched alarm on your phone. You groaned as you rolled over to turn the alarm off. The images of last night came rushing back to you, replaying the way Taron's voice lulled you into a sense of security.

You finally heave yourself up out of bed, instantly regretting not sleeping as much as you should. You allow your feet to lead you into the bathroom to shower. As the hot water poured over your body you gently caressed the soap into your skin making you wonder what it would feel like to have Taron's hand brush over your bare skin making a breath catch within your throat. Realising what you were doing, you quickly shut the water and proceed with the rest of your routine.


The rest of your day had run as smoothly as possible. Setting up meetings for Lindy and assisting other clients. It was just about home time when your boss called you into her office. As you sat on the chair opposite your boss, you felt the cold material of the chair across your legs making you flinch as you sat down.

"How are you getting on?" Lindy asks.

"I'm loving it. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I promise I won't let you down." You assured Lindy. You truly were thankful, ever since you were a child you always knew you wanted to be a part of this industry. You initially tried being in front of the camera but soon realised it wasn't right for you.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it.' Her smile relaxed you, "I have a big ask, you can say no but one of our clients has been just accepted a role that will require them to be out of the country filming for a few weeks and we usually send someone over as an assistant." You feel your heart racing knowing what she was going to ask you. "I would like to ask you first, do you think this is something you would like to do? It just basically means ensuring the client is in the right place at the right time."

"I would love too, may I ask who this would be with?" Hoping it was who you thought it was.

"This would be with Mr Egerton." You try to hide your smile by looking at your hands in your lap "He's asked specifically for you. He's a very important client of ours so please don't mess this up and let me down."

Your eyes widen and you shake your head, "No! I promise I won't!"

"Good. Once everything is in place I let you know. I'll inform Mr Egerton of your decision. Have a good evening Megan." And with that you gathered your belongings and wished your boss a goodnight.

Just as you were reaching home you received an email from your boss with all the details you needed. You thought back on your bosses words Don't mess this up.


Later that evening you were tucked up under a blanket on your sofa lost in a book. You saw your phone light up from the coffee table.

Glad to hear you'll be joining me. What are you doing Friday evening? I'll buy you a drink to celebrate the beginning of a new team. T.x

You quickly replied - I would like that. Just tell me where and when. I'll be there M x

As you sent the reply you watched the little bubble of three dots appear at the bottom of your screen. You watched it pop up and disappear several times. You placed your phone back down just as a reply came through.

Send me your address and I'll pick you up at 7. T. X

You knew from that moment that it was certainly going to be near impossible to keep things professional.

The Assistant (Taron Egerton)Where stories live. Discover now