The Ackerspectors

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Mikasa's POV...

Me and Levi haven't spoken at all about what happened last night, we both decided it was best to leave it until absolutely necessary. I don't think he feels the same way I do about it. Although I don't know why him of all people, Levi just has something about him that drives me insane and always wanting more. And although I might never show that to him, I thought he might feel the same. I guess I should just forget about it. We were drunk, there's no way he meant to do that.

"Mikasa, I gotta run, four eyes says she has an important case relating to the Titans" I hear Levi call from the living room as he seems to be rushing himself to leave, not that I blame him. We haven't had a case about them before at least as long as I've been here. "Oh alright" I say eager to see where the case leads him to. Maybe he'll get a good clue on how to take them down. "Can I come? I want to take them down just as much as you do" I try to bargain as I really want to take them down. "Unfortunately you have to stay, she said to come alone for this one. If I can I'll call you over as soon as possible" he tells me and gives me a small nod before exiting the house.

20 minutes later...

Levi's POV...

As I'm practically sprinting down the city streets to meet where Hanji told me to I get this surge of excitement. Finally we might get a lead on these bastards. And then I can take them down and avenge my squad and Mikasa. As I come into view with the cafe she told me to meet her at i rush inside and look around to see Hanji waiting with a huge cup of ice cream. I quickly stroll towards her and I abruptly sit down ready to hear the good news. "Alright I'm here, where's the file?" I ask eager to start working as soon as I have my hands on it. "Oh hey Levi, how have you been? You seemed to have fu-" "Where's the file?"

"Oh yeah, about that..." oh no, the pause is not a good sign, and the way she awkwardly scratches the back of her neck is not helping. "There..... is no file BUUUT I have something to ask you" she puts her maniacal smile on and I feel a sudden urge to break every bone of this lunatic's body. "Pardon me?" was the only thing I could say as I felt my blood pumping through me with a surge of power that I know exactly how to use. "There is no case, but I wanna ask you something" it takes all my power not to lose my shit and break the glass of ice cream to stick it in her eyeballs. But I let her talk.

"Well have a seat dummy, we have so much to discuss" we got jack shit to discuss but I follow her instruction anyway. Running all this way I tiring. "You better make it worth my time, before I gouge your eyes out" I advise her and she just laughs like the psycho she is. "Oh you little shorty, it's very important. I mean, you gotta tell me EVERYTHING that happened between my two favourite Ackermans" she grins at me and i just stood there in pure shock and disbelief. "First of all, we're the only Ackermans you know and second..."


"You know, I could've enjoyed that ice cream" she tells me as she cleans her face from all the chocolate syrup and ice cream on her face and hair. "You know, i am this close to losing it with you" I point out the obvious but she's too crazy to get the message. "Oh silly, I think you shoving my face in my cup was enough of a tipping point wouldn't you agree?" every time she grins I feel like punching her surprisingly white teeth out, lucky for her I'm used to her being this stupid and childish. "Soooo, will you tell me already? I'm dying to know how my favourite pair is doing" she insists on me explaining the events of last night. To be fair I have told Hanji and Erwin the most about myself so I guess the could be considered friends. "Pull this kind of shit again and I'll shove the glass down your throat" I warn her. "Deal, now go ahead my little friend" as soon as she said that I shoot another death glare and she puts her hands in defeat but most likely to mock me as she always does.

After a very basic and vague explanation of some of the events that occurred last night she seemed to understand exactly what happened. "Ooooooooo, my two Ackerman are falling in looooooove. I can't believe I called it. Eren owes me a 20" Hanji declares and I can't help but facepalm at her like always. (We're not falling in love. We're just close... as, partners, yeah criminal partners" although my deception and lying is most of the time top notch, Hanji is too much of a nut job and is not fazed. Curse her immense IQ.

"Oh is it now, well people don't tend to kiss their work partners and sleep with them, hu hu hu hu huuuuuu" she laughs at her statement and I stare daggers at her. "Oh shut it shitty glasses, she doesn't she doesn't like me like that and neither do I" but don't I? I'm still not sure myself. I just can't bring myself to think that. I mean she was drunk, people do stupid shit when they're drunk so she definitely didn't mean it. Maybe I should leave her to talk first when she feels comfortable to talk about it.

"Hmmm, you keep trying to lie but you can't hide from me" she says and grabs my shoulders. "Tell me the truth shorty, you're in love aren't you" "No" "Yes" "No" "Yes" "No" "Yes" "No" "Yes" "FINE I do, alright? I-I don't know what it is but she just makes me feel different. Not that it matters as she doesn't even feel the same" Fuck I said now, there's no going back. "Levi, I love you buddy, truly you are incredible and you're my best friend, but god damn aren't you thick sometimes" what? What does she mean thick? What am I missing here? There must be something she sees that I can't.

"What am I missing? I don't understand" I try to get her to talk but just as she's about to... "RRRRRING" Her phone starts to buzz and she picks up. It's Erwin, I can tell from the tone and use of language. What could he want? "Ooooh ok, he'll be happy" "BEEP" she turns her phone off and looks at me. "Well Levi, it's your lucky day" she states as she goes to her phone to send me something. I look at the text and it's a virtual file like the ones we use for some cases. "It seems I wasn't lying after all pu hu hu hu"

I suppose she wasn't lying, the case file she sent me is one a recent murder of one of our undercover agents suggesting they were found out. Ill have to take a good look at the case file before making any assumptions but I guess today IS my lucky day. Finally, a potential chance for clues against the Titans. My only concern is how me and Mikasa will cope with all that's happened.


Well well well, it was only yesterday that my story reached 400 reads, and now it has gone up by an extra 50. I cannot understand why or how people read this but it is appreciated nonetheless. I'll try to keep posting updates and make this the best story I can manage, but until then I'll see you in the next chapter...

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