Such Filth

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Levi's POV...

After I left Mikasa in the living room I set out to do one thing, end the Titans. I failed once before and it cost me everything. My friends, my reputation, I can't let them continue. I'm gonna end this and I'm gonna do it myself. I can't let anyone else take my fall for my mistakes.

Walking down the dimly lit streets of  Shiganshina, I finally stop outside the main entrance to the underground, where everything started for me, a place I never wanted to be in again but here we are. I take a long breath before walking up to the guard safekeeping the gate. A flimsy looking boy who couldn't stop anyone from passing through even if he wanted to.

"Where are you going?" the guard asks.

"To the underground, where else?" I say sarcastically.

"D-do you have a permit?" the boy asks.

I give him a good look up and down, then stared at his eyes seeing nothing but horror in them. His hands shaking while holding a standard issue military police rifle. Couldn't get a good shot on me even if he tried, his hands wouldn't even be able to pull that rusty old trigger.

"A permit?" I ask ironically. Of course I knew about the permits but I don't intend to stay long or have my name recorded in their logs.

"Y-yes, you need one to pass through" he says.

"Well have fun chasing me brat" I tell the boy and start walking past him.

"S-STOP!" he shouts and quickly makes his way towards me, making a fatal mistake.

As soon as I felt his grimy, dirty hand on my shoulder my reflexes kicked in and threw a kick backwards, hitting his knee while simultaneously pulling my boot knife with my left hand and grabbing and twisting his arm with my right. Turning him around and locking him in place with the knife against his throat I sigh and shake my head at the boy.

"Do NOT touch me with your filthy paws you idiot. Now I'll pass through and you will sit back down like a good little boy, got it brat?"

He shakes his head.

"Good" I say and kick him towards his seat. I brush the dust and filth off my clothes before placing my knife back and heading down the dark stairs.

Once I reached the bottom, I could instantly see that this place hadn't changed one bit since I was last here. The same old, half broken buildings and crummy streets that loomed in the dim atmosphere that was the underground I had to live in. Seeing this place is a trip down memory lane, though it's not a pleasant one. I begin walking down the streets, looking around and seeing some new faces. Lots of gangs just like before though now they are new and probably even shittier than the old ones I was a part of. I walk up to one of the gang members with a bored face plastered over me. He seemed to notice rather quickly.

"Oi you, what ya doing around here eh? Cant you see this ain't your turf city boy-" before he finished I grabbed his arm and twisted it before locking it behind his back, putting a bit too much pressure on his lanky joints.


The rest of his gang took a step toward me but quickly stepped away once they looked into my focused eyes. None of them dared come close after that.

"Now then you filth, I need some information" I say boringly.

"Ahhh ahh, ok ok I'll give you whatever"

"That's better, now, I need to know where Ynnek Namrekca is"

"Tchaaa, that old fool? What you got to do with him?"

I put a bit more pressure on his arm.

"Ahhh ok ok, he lives at the edge of the district, that old geezer has a pretty good pad painted grey"

"Is that all?" I ask.

"Y-yes, that's all I know man, let go"" he pleads. I finally let go of his arm and push him towards his group.

"If that is all then I'll be taking my leave. But just so you know, if I find out that information is false, you best hope your god reinforces your doors well, not that they will be much help when I'm done with you"

They all nod out of fear before scurrying along in different directions. I sigh and grab the bridge of my nose before starting to walk towards the grey house. I look down at my legs, before I left I had taken a special set of gear that allows me 3D directional movement.

The 3DM gear strapped to my hips and thighs have strong yet flexible metal wires that hook onto any sturdy surfaces. I can control the direction of the wires depending on my hip placement, and then I can shoot them out using the built in control handles connected to the gear. The gear is more useful on outside terrain where there's more room but I can handle the tightness of the underground just as well and might help me catch him if he decides to run.

I grab the controls and quickly shoot out my wires. Within seconds I am in the air and soaring through the district looking around for the aforementioned grey building. I quickly spot it at the edge of the town just like the guy so willingly told me. From now on I have to walk and sneak my way inside.

I stop a couple blocks away, making sure no one was watching and making as little to no sound as possible. I place the controls back to their holsters and make my way to the building. Climbing the side wall wasn't too difficult but I had to be extra careful not to make any sounds. After I got on top of the roof, I saw a small hatch on the side, probably to let air inside. I go through the half-open hatch and drop inside quietly.

The place seemed far too tidy and clean for a normal underground citizen, this was definitely the right place. And my suspicions were confirmed when I heard an old, raspy, familiar voice speak to me.

"Yooo, Levi, seems you haven't grown one bit huh?"


Welcome back ladythots and gentlefucks, I know this one took a bit longer to make but I've been having some problems in my life that I had to get through before I could continue this story. Most of them are somewhat fixed so now I can get back to writing more often. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed, let me know of any suggestions or new story ideas and I'll see you on the next one...

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