Chapter 1

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Louis POV

I am flooded with a mix of emotions as I wake up this morning because today is the day I audition for the X-factor. It's a day like today where you realize your life could go one way or another, either I get through and start working toward a career as a singer or they send me home and I have to get ready to go to university. I honestly don't think they'll put me through my audition I mean there's so many talented people especially in the UK, I'm just happy I get the opportunity but I can't help but think I'd be crushed if it doesn't work in my favor. My mum then comes in to make sure I am awake as we have a very long car ride to get the audition. We get in the car and all the way there my mum is trying to sike me up because she knows I lack strongly of confidence (I was a theater kid and I was not really liked in grade school). I continue to just look out the window and run through hoe today would go and just pray it ends in a happy ending for me.

Hours later we arrive, I have never felt so nervous and excited in my entire life and I think my mom notices. We get out of the car and before I can mutter out any word she pulls me into one of her famous hugs and yes I feel embarrassed being around so many but I can't help but feel better knowing my mom is always there for me. I pull away after what feels like forever and tell her we need to find a check in station and it took about 10 minutes but we found an area flooded with people. The people ask for my name and I tell them Louis and they continue to look at me until I realize that they need my last name too because there's probably more than one Louis auditioning today. After they see my name they give me a sticker that had numbers on it to stick to my shirt for identification. They then tell me I have to wait in this line until I am called to go in. At this point I don't know how I'm feeling but I have a gut feeling about something but I don't know what it is.

My mum and I keep a conversation going on while we wait and after about an hour she decides she wants to take my picture for my friends and family. After the picture is taken my name was finally called and I could not contain my emotions any longer and I let out a small scream, my mom looks at me and gives me a small laugh before pushing me to where the guy was pointing for us to enter.

Inside was more frightening than I could've ever imagined. People were warming up by making weird noises or laying on the floor yelling out loud notes, I really feel less prepared now that I'm here. I mean I've been practicing for months on the song I'm singing today but it feels like everyone was born preparing for this. I sit down with my mom and she tries to calm my nerves and as much as I want it to work it doesn't. It was then when a boy and his family came and sat in the chairs across from us. Funny enough we were wearing the same cardigan, it wasn't until then when he realized I was kind of staring at him and I looked away to continue talking to mum. A few minutes go by and my name is called to audition, in my head I'm screaming but I slowly get up and walk to where the stage is. I feel like I'm going to die and I begin shaking like crazy and I'm really hoping I don't blow my performance. I'm then handed the mic and that's when I start my audition. When I'm done I feel so defeated I was so scared I knew I screwed up, there was no way I was getting through and this was going to be the end I just knew it.

If you told me I'd get three yeses I'd tell you that you're crazy but here I am three yeses later and I could not be happier. I was pulled in to a great big hug by mum and she's telling me that she couldn't be more proud and I'm on the verge of tears. It was soon after I was calming down that I wanted to go use the loo, I walk until I find it and go in. When I go in I instantly walk into someone, it happened to be the boy that sat across from me and the first words we exchange are "oops" and "hi". After going for a loo we started talking and I found out he hadn't auditioned yet and I told him I had. He congratulated me and began to tell me how nervous he was, I told him he'd be great and I have him my famous Tommo smile. The last thing he said to me before he left is that I must good style because we were wearing the same cardigan and winked. I couldn't help but feel a blush creep up on my cheeks. He never told me his name but I know I had to see him again.

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