chapter 5

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It was the morning after Azula brought the injured Y/n back to the shadow benders.  F/n walked into the room to see Azula sleeping on a chair next to Y/n. Y/n was still out. 

F/n tapped Azula's shoulder waking her up.  She looked at him with tired eyes.

F/n: Morning. Time for breakfast.

Azula: Alright. 

Azula got up and stretched. She looked at the unconscious Y/n.

F/n: I know you're worried. But he'll live.

Azula: I know. I'm just worried that because all this. Y/n might not want me around anymore.

F/n: Oh trust me we expected a situation like this. 

Azula: What?

F/n: We knew one way or another the avatar would come into question. It was just a matter on who and when.

Azula: You don't understand. It was MY attack that caused this! 

F/n: And from what you told me you didn't really have much of a choice. Y/n was enraged and may have done something he would have regretted if you didn't stop him.  

Azula: M...maybe. But do you really think that's how he'll see it?

F/n: I don't know. Only one way to know really. 

Azula nodded. They grabbed food and went back to the room.

F/n: Do you know where you're uncle is?

Azula: No. Probably in boiling rock prison. 

F/n: I see. The reason I ask is because the avatar will need a firebending teacher.  

Azula: Well...I could teach the avatar.

F/n: No.

Azula: Huh?

F/n: You do not know the true way of firebending. When Sozin was firelord things changed. Firebenders were taught different.  If you ask me they got weaker. You're a strong firebender for what you have. But you would never be able to teach the avatar. 

Azula: So, then what do we do?

F/n: I will get a rescue force ready to-.

F/n was cut off when a shadow bender rushed in.

?: Sir! Fire nation ships are bombing us! Landing parties have already touched ground and are attacking the capital!

F/n: Damn it! Ozai is trying to cripple our movement so we can't assist the avatar.

Azula: I can help.

F/n: I can't be in two places at once. They'll go for the shadow council and the food stores to burn our storage. You head to the storage and i'll head to defend the council. 

Azula nodded and took off towards the food storage. The fire nation blitzed through the capital. The Civilians took cover in their houses as the guards rushed to meet the attackers head on.  

No doubt the fire nation was outmatched here. But they weren't trying to win. 

Azula arrived at the food storage where a shadow bender captain was barking orders at the others.

Azula: Captain. What's the situation here?

The captain turned and faced Azula.

Captain: We're setting up our defenses to hold them back and cover the warehouses. If they light them on fire we might not be able to stop it. 

Azula: I'll take the front. They'll send the benders in first to try and take out any they can before sending in swordsmen.

The captain nods and Azula waits in front of the set barricades. The fire nation troops arrive moments later and the benders send a wave of flame. Azula meets it with her own wave overtaking theirs.

The swordsmen rush trying to get closer. Shadow benders appear from the shadows of the swordsmen and attack them.  The fire nation benders try to help their comrades. Shadow benders appear from the shadows of the fire benders as well causing more problems for them. The skirmish was no doubt in the favor of the shadow benders.  A large flame erupted in the distance.

Shadow bender: They've set the shadow bending dojo on fire! 

Shadow bender 2: These heartless maniacs. There is children in there!

Azula ran off towards the dojo. Fire benders were keeping the fire burning strong. 

Azula launched a wave of flame making them stop and turn their attention to her.  She beat them all easily and bashed the door to the dojo open. Shadows poured out of the dojo as children fled out the door being escorted by a few shadow bending masters.

The siege on the capital was destroyed. The only thing left was the ships at sea.  The ships retreated. 

Azula went back to Y/n's hospital bed. F/n did the same thing.

Azula: Well. I guess there isn't any going back for me. 

F/n: No. I suppose there isn't. I will see about rescuing Iroh and keeping the avatar safe.

F/n walked away. Azula looked at the still unconscious Y/n.  She made her choice. Chose her side. And nothing can make her regret that. Ozai has run out of good warriors.  And soon enough his army will be in shambles.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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