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Songs of the chapter:

Born to die- Lana del Rey

Million dollar man- Lana Del Rey

Please don't forget to vote and enjoy .xx

My heart stops. 'No no no' I think to myself, 'this can't be happening'. There aren't supposed be any witnesses. 'Shit what do I do what do I do? If she snitches I'll be charged with a double homicide and I'm in jail for life. No no no no, I can't let that happen. But I can't kill her, no I refuse to.

One of the rules I'd made for myself early on is that I can't kill women. I can just never bring myself to do it. My only other rule is to not kill any innocent people. The men I had just killed were scum. And knowing that I was killing people who were doing no good for this world, made it that much easier.

I lift my gun back at her just to warn her and keep her scared, and she lets out a little scream when I do. I have to find a way to deal with this.

"Just uh...keep your hands where I can see them, and sit on the couch," I use my shaky hand to point the gun towards the couch.

She walks slowly over to the couch with her arms at the top of her head.

"Please don't shoot me," she lets out a shaky plea. I can see tears streaming down her cheeks and hear her faint sniffles ring loudly in my ears.

"Just listen to me and nothing will happen to you I promise," I won't do anything to her anyway but I have to keep the fear scale up.

"Ok so you probably know that I just killed those men. But the problem isn't that you know I killed them it's that you know what I look like," I speak slowly and calmly so she won't get scared and run, but I keep the gun aimed at the center of her chest.

"I won't tell anyone I swear," she sobs.

"Let's just talk ok," I pull a chair up from the dining room table and take a seat. I set my gun down in my lap but am still prepared to pick it back up at any moment and as I do I see her body relax a little, now that I don't have a gun pointed at her.

"What are you doing here?" I ask curiously.

"Well uh my boyfriend jack he uh...he wanted to get some coke from these guys and tonight was the only night they could do it but jack had to work so he just asked me to come and get it." Her voice and body shake steadily.

"What kind of man sends his woman out to get him drugs from a shady place like this?," she's such a beautiful girl and if I had her I wouldn't let her do something like this. I see her bright blue eyes dart down to her lap, most likely thinking about the "man" she's with.

"Um I don't know," she whispers, still not looking at me. But I'm looking at her, watching the way her gorgeous eyes are darting all around the room, trying to look at anything but me. The way she's fiddling with a loose string on her grey sweatpants, and the way she carries herself seems to be far from confident. But that could be because of the gun that I was pointing at her only seconds ago. 'Ok none of this is important I'll never see her again' I refocus.

"Ok well enough with the small talk. How can I be sure that you won't snitch?"

"I don't how I can prove it to you, but honestly I have nothing to gain from telling the police," she rushes, trying her best to reason with me.

"What about your boy, you won't tell him either right?"

"No, no of course not," she shakes her head quickly.

"Good," I lift my gun and rise from my seat, "because if you do," I aim at her head this time,"I'll fucking kill you." The look on her face causes a feeling of guilt to erupts in my stomach. But I have no time for guilt. And like I said I wouldn't kill a woman,especially one as beautiful as her, but she thinks that I have the capability of doing it. She has to be scared, as long as she fears me I'm safe.

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