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Harry's POV:

"Oh well that's not w-"

"Not what you expected?" I interject, "yeah you weren't supposed to expect it."

"Honestly you could've told me," he starts putting all the money back in the briefcase and I join him.

"I just didn't want you to judge me."

"No man I'm not judging, I mean it's obviously not the best thing, but it's better than most of the things I was thinking," he laughs lightly and I join.

"Yeah? Like what?"

"I thought you were like some hired assassin or something,"he looks seriously at me. But then bursts out laughing. "Crazy huh?"

"Yeah," I laugh along with him, "absolutely mad."

"Wait but," he puts the last wad of money in the briefcase, closes it and hands it to me, "if you have all that money what the fuck are you doing in a loft in Brooklyn?"

"Oh well I'm not really much of a materialistic man. I'm simple,and Brooklyn suits me. Besides what would one guy do in a mansion. It gets lonely you know," I let out a chuckle.

"Not when you have all the help in the world and not to forget all the women you could have with all that money," his eyes go wide and his imagination take the better of him. Knowing him he's probably already hard at the thought.

"But oh yeah you're not materialistic," he puts air quotes around materialistic.

"Women aren't materials, they're living beings Zayn," I try to knock some respect into the younger man.

"I wasn't referring to the women," he defends.


"Well from now on stay out of my room," I laugh on the outside but inside I'm more serious than he could ever believe.

"You got I bro. Unless I need to borrow a couple grand, then I can't make any promises," he laughs too but I know that if it came down to it he really needed that money a lock on my drawer wouldn't stop him.

"Ok well I'm off to bed," I yawn, for real this time and walk over to my bed.

"No you're not," he pulls me back,"you said you'd go clubbing with me tonight and that you wouldn't back out so go get dressed and we'll leave soon!" He walks out of the room before I can even respond, cause he knows any answer I'd come up with would be some excuse to not go. Maybe this guy knows me more than I thought.

I replace my navy blue shirt with a white one that has a small pocket above my left nipple, and I keep the dark jeans I had on all day. I throw a silver necklace on that I got from a friend a while back just to change it up a little bit. And to finish it off I take my Calvin Klein cologne from the top of my dresser and go crazy. Lastly, I look in the mirror and run my hands through my hair a couple times so it doesn't look as matted.

"Niall, Louis, and Liam are gonna meet us there. You ready?" Zayn stands in the doorway of my room. I don't know how he changed his whole outfit and hair in that time but I don't question him.

"Yeah," Niall, Louis, and Liam are the boys that Zayn introduced me to when I moved in with him a year ago. They were really cool and helpful to me since I was in a whole new country and not to mention in one of the busiest cities. But we've all remained really good friends and I'm happy for that.

I follow Zayn out of the house and onto the street. I walk over to my car but he walks the opposite way.

"Where are you going?"

"To get a taxi, where are you going?"

"To my car. Come on it'll be faster this way." He doesn't complain but ends up walking over to the drivers side. The look on my face shows the question in my mind.

"I know where it is and I'll get us there faster, I've lived here my whole life remember that," I oblige even though I know him getting us there faster is just like asking for a totaled Range Rover. Great.

When we arrive to the club, I'm shocked we get there in one piece. Zayn's a fucking speed demon and I really thought we were gonna get in a crash.

"Safe and sound," even he let's out a sigh of relief as we both get out of the car.

"Finally," I say loud enough for him to hear, but he ignores it. The line to get into the club goes all the way down a long sidewalk and even turns around the building.

Several women push their boobs further out of their shirt to get the attention of the bouncer so he'll let them in, but their efforts fail.

"Are we really going to wait in this?" He can't be serious.

"Hell no," he makes his way to the front of the line and I follow closely behind.

"Hey Jay, can you let me and my friend in please?" He asks politely. The man jay looks me up and down multiple times then asks,

"How old is he?"

"How old does he need to be?" Zayn replies but then I hear both their laughs echo off the tall buildings.

"Anything for you Zayn," he roughly pats him on the back nearly making Zayn fall over.

"Why does he just let you in?" I ask curiously.

"Our family's are real close," I don't why but his Brooklyn accent comes out thicker when he yells over the loud music.

"Don't leave me yet Zayn , I haven't been out in a while, just let me get comfortable first," we walk deeper into the club,and the deeper we get the louder and hotter it gets.

"The ladies will love that accent Harry don't worry, everyone's a sucker for a little English chap," he slaps me gently on my cheek, trying but as always failing to imitate my accent.

"I hope."

I hear someone call zayn's name over the deafening music, and then he disappears into the crowd.

"Zayn!" I call out after him and push through the people.

"Zayn!" I repeat cupping my hands around my mouth to be louder, "of course," I mumble under my breath.

"Hey," a short brunette in the highest heels I've ever seen walks up to me. Her fake tan and big hair remind me exactly of snookie but I find it best to keep that to myself.

"Hi," I reply looking down due to her height. I'll be as polite as possible but i know I won't go far with her, her whole facade just seems shallow and desperate.

"Oooh I love the accent. What's your name?" She comes up closer to me.

"I'm Harry," I smile down at her.

"Harry," she ponders the name, "nice to meet you. Now I will confess I kinda wanna just take you into the bathroom over there and fuck your brains out!" She says, as blunt as can be. I'm taken aback by how forward she is but still slightly turned on, so when she grabs my arm and leads me to the bathroom I don't object.

"Men's or women's?" She asks.

"Whichever." She leads us into the woman's bathroom and goes in the stall alone.

"I'll be out in just a second," she calls. In the quiet, small space of the bathroom I hear how high and annoying her voice is. Im tempted to just walk back out there, but when I see someone stumble out of the other stall my thoughts are halted.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to vote and comment please .xx

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