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I wake up and walk into the dining room. I eat some pancakes and go and get dressed in a black jumpsuit with 12 on the back. I brush my blonde hair and walk to the elevator. I press TC for training center. I walk out to see only the careers standing in a circle.
I walk to a spot and sit down. I feel people staring at me. I shake my head and feel someone rubbing my back. I snap my head up to find Clove. I lean my head on her shoulder.
I hear a cough. I turn and see Gale. I growl at him. He smirks and walks to a different spot. If I could I would tackle him. I know Peeta would. "I want Peeta!" I whisper yell.
"Sh. Baby you will get him. Sh" Clove says.
"That means you die," I say.
"But I will always be with you. In your friend storage in your heart. Forever." Clove says.
She leans back and falls over. I giggle. I help her sit up and a women named Atala says, "You are here to train. There is no fighting with other tributes though. Go!"
I stand up and walk over to the edible plants station. I take a twenty question test. I get all twenty right.

Cato POV

I see Princess at the edible plant station. I see Clove walk up to her. I see them to go to the camouflage station. I see Princess burst into tears as she paints herself. Once she is done she puts her hand up to a tree and you can barely see it. She smiles sadly at Clove.

Clove POV

I get Prim over to the camouflage station. She paints a tree painting while crying. "What?" I ask.
"Peeta taught me how to paint," she replies.
When she puts her hand up to the tree you can barely see it. I say, "You did amazing!"
She smiles sadly then looks at Cato. He is watching us. I compare to what Haymitch told me and Cato and Peeta look similar.

Prim POV

When the bell signaling lunch goes off I take my tree patterned hand and the rest of me with Clove to the cafeteria. We get food and sit at a table by ourselves. I see a 12 year old girl alone. I get up and walk over to her. "Do you want to sit with us?" I ask.
"Sure," she says.
We walk over to my table and sit down. "Im Prim and this is Clove," I say.
"I'm Rue," she says.
I smile at her and eat. When I am done I go to the bathroom. I slump against a wall outside of the bathroom. "I just want my Peeta," I whisper repeatedly.
I hear a chuckle. I look up to see the boy from four. He looks familiar. "Long time no see, Prim." They say.
"Dan?" I ask.
"That's me!" He yells.
I see people watching us. I silently back away. He is a bad boy. A really bad, bad boy.
He chuckled and takes huge steps forward. I stumble backward and fall. He bends down and says, "How's Peeta?"
I scream in frustration. He gave Peeta a broken leg. I slap him acroos the face. I see Clove rushing over from the other side of the gym. I see everyone else shocked. Dan kicks me. I yelp. "You will never see Peeta again!" He screams and runs off.
I see Haymitch and other mentors come in. He sees me, drops his flask of wine and runs. He kneels beside me and picks me up. I scream in agony when he touches my leg. I see other mentors staring at me. I dig my head in his shirt. I feel someone grab my hand. I see Clove. I squeeze her hand. Her mentor comes over. Haymitch sets me down on a bench. I lay down. Clove sits down and puts my head on her lap. I wish it was Peeta but, I guess Clove is ok too. I see people silently watching. "Clove?" I ask.
"Yes?" She asks.
"I want Peeta!" I scream so loud that everyone flinches.
Haymitch nods and picks up a phone. Soon I fall asleep.

Peeta POV

The phone rings. I see it says, 'Capitol.' I pick it up and say, "Peeta Mellark speaking."
"Boy!" I hear Haymitch yell. "You need to get here now! This girl needs you more than her life! I am having peacekeepers getting you!"
Then it goes dead. One thing comes to my mind. Prim. My innocent little girl. I see peacekeepers approaching my house. I go out there and they lead me to a train. It takes me to the Capitol. I see Haymitch at the station. I walk over. He nods. He leads me to a building. I walk into a giant gym and hear a scream. I look and see my beautiful Prim about to be raped. I run over there and tackle the guy. I see its Gale. I stand up and turn to Prim. "PEETA!" She screams.
Everyone in the gym stops. I hug my beautiful girl.

Prim POV

I see Peeta. "PEETA!" I scream.
I hug him like there is no tomorrow. I see Clove coming over. I run over and hug her. I bring her over to Peeta and say, "Clove this is Peeta, my boyfriend. Peeta this is Clove, my friend."
They nod. They shake hands. I see Haymitch standing by the elevator. He is dragging Gale into the elevator. I mouth 'Thank you.'
He nods and disappears. I hug Peeta again and say, "Oh my Peeta."
He hugs me back an asks, "Did him and the district two male try anything else?"
"You saw?" I ask.
He nods. "I like the part where you either slapped or bashed them," he says.
I giggle. He chuckles. I lead him over to the camo station. We paint each other. In the end Peeta looks like a tree and I look like a grassy ground. The careers an Clove comes over. Everyone but Clove laughs. "Good job!" Clove says.
I pull her over. Peeta and I paint her to look like a garden off flowers. I pull Glimmer over and paint her to look like the forest. When were down every tribute looks like something. The mentors walk in and bust out laughing at there tributes. My favorite is going to have to be Rue. She looks like birds flying through the air. I look at Haymitch an nod. "TWELVE DID IT!!" Marvel screams.
Peeta, Haymitch and I bust out laughing. We grab paint and paint Haymitch to look like a rock. He laughs. We see Effie walk in and gasp. She comes over an asks, "Can I be a diamond?"
Peeta bad I nod. Soon she looks like a diamond. Soon we head to our rooms. I head to the roof with Peeta. We lay out in the garden. I hear someone say, "Well well well. What do we have here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2015 ⏰

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