Goku | Snow Angel.

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requested by ME because yeah goku is cute and i love him. I'll get to the actual requests soon I'm sorry ! xD


There was a gush of cold wind that hit your face which made you shudder. Even though you were fully clothed in a warm fur coat and winter boots, you weren't prepared to go out into the winter wonderland.

"Y-You guys go ahead, I'm going to stay here..." You say softly as you scamper deeper inside Bulma's ship, not wanting to freeze to death.

But mostly your reason was so that you could avoid having to watch the fight that you knew was soon to come. The thought of you having to watch defenselessly as the saiyan you cared so deeply about got pounded by some powerful opponent made you cringe slightly. The saiyan would always managed to prevail that was true but the bumps along the way always made you fearful.

"But Y/N, you have to come!" Goku would plead to you, placing his hands on your shoulders from behind.

"It will be fun~" He sang in that cute, childish tone of his.

"No Goku, I don't want to watch you get hurt, that's not fun!" You responded and crossed your arms in a stubborn manner.

There was silence between the two of you until you suddenly felt broad arms wrapping around your waist and you were forcefully lifted off the ground, a gasp escaping your lips as goku carried you outside.

"Goku! Put me down!" You squeal as you kicked around in an attempt to slip away from him. damn those strong arms...

Knowing any future attempts would be futile, you sighed and let the saiyan carry you away without any argument.

Goku soon changed his form of holding you when he noticed you started to shiver, he held you in a bridal style, keeping you close to his chest so some of his ki could warm you. You had to admit, it felt nice being so close to him, quietly enjoying his embrace as he lead you into the endless kingdom of snow.

Goku soon stopped when Bulma's ship was no longer clearly visible, it was now only seen as a spot from a far. He then unexpectedly dropped you into a heap of snow on the ground, chuckling playfully in the process. You managed to shriek as you fell on the pillow of snow, which wasn't as cold as you predicted.

"What the hell Goku?" You shout up to him whilst still laying on your back on the snow.

"Let's make snow angels!"

He chuckled once again and fell back on the snow beside you, moving his arms and legs up and down in unison, creating an angel form.

"You goofball, that's what you brought me out here for?" You asked, giving him a playful eye roll as you threw some snow on him. He's so adorable...

When he's angel was completed, Goku stood up and admired it.

"It looks just like you, Y/N."

You blushed as you stood up beside him.

"W-What makes you think that?"

Goku had chuckled as he placed your body over the angels pattern which surprising fit perfectly.

"Because you're my snow angel."

You were speechless at that point, your face had just reacted by painting the bridge of your nose pink.

"Goku..." You breath out his name.

Goku smiled as he took your hand, helping you up to your standing position.

"Please stay and watch the fight Y/N. I'd like for you to be there, reminding me who I'm fighting for..."

You had never expected to hear such beautiful words from Goku, you returned a gentle smile to the saiyan, crushing him in a hug.

"I'll stay..."


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