Chapter 12

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We get to the hospital and I am so nervous. "Hey? What's wrong??" Payton says. "Nothing..I'm just worried that's all." I said to him and tried not to cry. "He's going to be ok.  Let's go see how he's doing. Ok?" I nodded at Payton and we walked inside. "Hello. Do you know what room is Dave Y/LN is?" Payton says to the receptionist. I look around the hospital and I see a little child crying for his mom. It was like déjà vu. "Thanks again! Y/n, lets go!" Payton said grabbing me by the wrist. "What were you doin? You seemed out of it." He said. "Sorry. I was just thinking."

We got to the room and we see mom holding his hand. "Payton!" Mom says and hugs him. "Is he doing ok?" I said. "So far, so good."
"How did it happen mom?" Payton said and sat down. "Well..I was making dinner. He was watching the sports channel like always.." We all laugh because he loves the sports channel. "..He got up to get something to drink but then he just collapsed. The way he was falling seemed like a heart attack be cause he was holding his chest. I don't know what could have caused it."
Mom cries. Payton hugs her and comforts her. "I need some air." I said and walked out of the room. I text Payton and tell him I cant stand to see dad like this. It hurts me. I walk home. I get inside and I see Ava, Jaden, and Kio. "Hey! What are you guys doing here?" I said smiling. "We wanted to know how you were doing." Ava said. "I'm fine. What's all this?"

"You transformed my living room into a movie night fest?!" I said laughing

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"You transformed my living room into a movie night fest?!" I said laughing. "Yeah and you know what we're going to watch?" Kio said wrapping his arms around my waist. "What?" "365 Days." He said in my ear and chills ran down my back. "Now go upstairs and change into something more comfortable. We'll be waiting." He says and leaps on the giant sofa. I laugh and go change. This is what I'm wearing:

I head downstairs and jump on Kio's back while he is laying down

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I head downstairs and jump on Kio's back while he is laying down. "Hey!" He yells and starts tickling me. "Ok! Can we get to the movie now love birds?" Jaden says turning the movie on. I lay down beside Kio and we cuddle and watch the movie.

Minutes later

"THIS IS THE BOAT SCENE EVERYONE WAS TALKING ABOUT!" Ava yells and smiles. "Ava! SHH!" Kio says. "Fine. Alright alright."
"Damn! They're fucking everywhere. They should sanitize that whole boat." Jaden says and laughs.
"And he said they only slept for one hour!" Kio said.
"Y/n! Massimo is so damn fine!" Ava says to me and I smile. "Yes he is!" I say and Kio puts his hand on my hip. I felt like he was warning me. I kinda wanted to mess with him and see his reaction so I say: "Look at his abs, Ava! I would love to just.."
Kio cuts me off and whispers in my ear. "I would stop talking if I were you." I don't stop.
"Like I was saying, I would love too grind my ass across his.." Kio pulls me up and he pushes me towards the downstairs guest room. "Hey? Where are you guys going? The movie isn't over?" Ava says. "We'll be back."Kio says and closes the door. "Jaden. I think I got Y/n in trouble!"Ava says and they both laugh.

"So what was that about huh?" Kio said looking dead into my eyes. I kiss him and bring him to the bed. "Damn I want you so badly." He says and continue kissing. "I want you too." I say and look at him.
"Are you ready? I'm fine. I don't want you forcing yourself. It cool to wait, Y/n." He said. "I'm ready." I kiss him and take off his shirt. "Condom?" He says and I say no. "Oh she for real 😳" Kio says and I laugh. "Just pull out when you feel close." I said and Kio nodded. He goes slow and puts it in. "You ok?" He says. "I'm fine." He goes a little further. He starts to go back and forth but very slowly. "You're ok right?" "Haha yeah I'm good." I say. "Ok now I'm going to speed up a little ok?" He says and kisses me.
"Ok. Mhmm." The pain slowly turns into pleasure. My legs start to shake. Kio speeds up and I try not to moan so loud.
"I'm going to cumm!" I moan. "Hold it, baby. I'm almost close."

Kio's POV
I feel Y/n clenching her walls and I tell her to hold it as best as she can. I speed up a little more and I could feel it coming. "Ok baby! Go!" We both cumm together but he was supposed to pull out. "Kio! Oh shit!" I yell. "I-I'm sorry babe. We'll check first thing in the morning! I promise! SHIT!" He yells and has his hands on top of his head.

I hope I'm not..


945 Words

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