Chapter 14

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It's 9am and I wake up. Kio is nowhere to be found.
*He probably went to school?*
I say to myself and get up. I put on this and brush my teeth.

I walk downstairs and see Kio cooking

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I walk downstairs and see Kio cooking.
"You're cooking?" "Yes? Is that a problem?" He says laughing. I wrap my arms around him and hug him from the back.
We eat our breakfast and we head to school. As we were walking to school, everyone was looking at us weird. I saw Ava, Jaden and Ryan and hugged them. "Get off of me." Jaden said and I slapped him at the back of his neck and said
"I like ya cut G!" (Imm soo sorryy)
"Why is every one staring at the both of you?" Ava said. "I don't know but they need to stop. It's making me feel weird." Kio said rubbing his arm. Ryan was about to say something but he stopped.

"What is it?" I said tapping him. "It's nothing"
"Why are you acting weird? You didn't say anything at all today bro." Jaden said.
"It's Jessica." Ryan says.
"What about that bitch?" Ava says rolling her eyes. "She knows. The whole school knows." "Ryan? What are you talking about? You're acting like those people in scary movies that know shit but won't tell cause they will get hurt." I said.
"Are you scared of her or something?" "Why would I be scared of the bitch. She's an idiot and it's not right to fuck up your ex's life-" Ryan says but then shuts up. "What? What do you mean? She coming after me? For what?" Kio says pissed off. The bell rings and the class starts to go out the door for second period.
Time passes by and it's lunch time. We walk in the cafeteria and people are still staring at us. Even the teachers. We sit down at our table and Ryan whispers to us. "They know about the pregnancy." "Is that true Y/n?" Ava says. After hearing that, chills run through my body. I feel like I want to explode. "It's not true though. It came up negative."
Ryan pulls out his phone and shows the Instagram post that was airdropped. I got up from my seat and I walked outside of the school to get some air. I've never felt more embarrassed. I heard girls laughing. I looked to my right and saw Jessica and two of her friends laughing with her. "You bitch!" I said and slapped her. She tried to pull my hair but I punched her before she could. My friends ran out and found me punching her. Jaden and Kio started to grab me.
"Let me go! LET ME GO!"

I walked off, not know where I was going. How did she know? HOW DID SHE KNOW??!! I wanted to go back and ask her that question but I felt so annoyed and irritated. I wanted to smash something. I wanted to hit something. I wanted to feel something different. I feel so bad for what I have done. I felt so alone, walking. I wanted to be that happy girl that I was when I first started junior year. Jumping around and dancing. I just wish I could go back and fix everything that I've done. But there's no way to go back. My dad is in the hospital, my mom is disappointed in me... I'm just so tired.

Kio's POV
"Jessica that was not fuckin cool!" I said. "She's going through things and you shouldn't be budding in."
"She's not good for you." Jessica said touching my arm. "And you are?! You're sick and toxic. You only care about yourself. You need help." I say to her and walk off to find Y/n.
"Jaden! Ava! Go home! I'll find her." I yell back.

"Y/n! Y/n!! Y/n where the hell are you?!" I yelled and yelled. Time passes by. It is 10pm. I see a bridge but something doesn't seem right. There's a person, grabbing on to the beam of the bridge. I rush over and their figure looks familiar.

I saw a bridge and decided to view it. I looked at the dark water and started to cry. I stepped up and held onto the beam. I looked up and saw the stars. They were so pretty. It was so scary to look down. I was indecisive and scared. I didn't know what to do. But I did know that I was wrong for what I did and I felt so horrible for it. Everything bad that has happened is a pain to think about. I look to my left and see someone just standing there. They started to run towards me. Ki- Kio?
"Y/n!" I heard him yell. "Y-Y/n! Just come down and we can talk about this." He said nervously. He tried to reach out for me but I backed up, almost falling. "Y/n please! You can't do this. We'll make things better!"
"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?! What if things aren't better? What if they'll get worse." "When you feel like giving up, just remember the reason why you held on for so long. Like remembering how excited you were for junior year or all your friends. Your mom loves you dearly. Trust me, she does. I just want you to understand that you have people out here that love you. They'll stick by your side no matter what. Fuck the people who won't because they are not worth it." Kio says. He then gets a phone call. "H-Hey? It's your mom. Do you want me to answer it?" He said and I nodded yes. "Yes? Hello?" "Where is she?! I got the call from Ava that she was gone for a while." "She's right here actually. Do you want to speak with her?" Kio said looking at me. "Yes I do." Kio handed me the phone and I started crying again. "Y-Yes?" I said with a shaky voice. "Where are you?! I've been worried sick ever since Ava called me." "I'm- I'm standing on a- uh bridge." I started to cry more and more. "What?! I want you to come home. I've been thinking about it lately and I'm so sorry hunny. Please come back home." "O-Ok. I will." I said giving the phone back to Kio and he helped me down. He hugged me so tightly and cried.

1099 Words

Thank you @zachherron_07 and @destttinyyyyyy for the ideas✨✨much love❤️❤️

Anymore ideas guys? Lemme know😌😉✨❤️

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