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(Y/N)'s POV
I was walking through the halls of Harry Herpson High School when I saw a boy get knocked to the ground and his glasses went flying. It pissed me off, I'm normally not confrontational but I hate when people get bothered for no reason. I'm a small boy, and normally quiet, but I'm good in a fight if I need to be. I walked up to to Frank Palicky and said in a growl "Leave him alone". I slowly kneeled down and grabbed the boys glasses, I was handing them to him, when I got kicked in the side, by a black, scuffed up, combat boot. I gritted my teeth, and spit out a bit of blood, from how hard he kicked me. I stood up and scowled at Frank.  He looked smug, and said "Don't help him, you bitch". I guess he thought I would back down, after getting kicked I was definitely putting up a fight. I got close to him and threw a hard punch, into the side of his face. I'm only 5'6 but I can throw a pretty good punch. It just so happens that he was a little to close to the lockers. So the lockers do more damage than my fist, Frank had to say bye bye to his front teeth.  I laughed as he ran away freaking out about his teeth.  I chuckled, until my eyes landed on the boy, slightly cowering against the lockers, broken glasses in hand. He was glancing around, looking very confused. "Are you alright?" I asked the boy. He looked up at me squinting slightly "Y-Yea I'm f-fine, it's j-just my gl-glasses, that b-broke". "Can you see me?" I asked, because of his squinting. "N-no, I can barely see a-anything without my gl-glasses.". He looked embarrassed. "Well I'll help you to the nurse, maybe she can fix them?" I say grabbing his hand, pulling him to his feet. "I-Its ok, I h-have stuff to f-fix it at my l-locker" he said, and I just nodded "what's your locker number?" I asked the boy, then I just realized I didn't know his name. I waited for him to answer my first question before asking "what's your name? I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)" his face was red as we walked up to his locker "M-Morty, Morty Smith". I smile at him, then remember he can't see me, "Do you need help with your glasses?" I ask, it was lunch time so I had time to waste. "Its ok, I do th-this a lot" that's kind of sad. I simply reply " Ok, well see ya around Morty" before walking away.

Two days later: Wednesday
I see a certain brunette boy sitting under a tree, outside the school. I take a moment to look at him, as the other kids flood out of the school around me. He has curly, chestnut brown hair. His yellow t-shirt is slightly wrinkled, along with his jeans. He's wearing black Chuck Taylor's to finish his outfit. I walk up to him, but his eyes were closed. I slowly sit down beside him, looking at his face. He's very pale, his cheeks have a light tint of pink, a small smile on his lips. His glasses were black, with white tape in some places, and they were scuffed. "Morty" I say quietly trying not to startle him, but I failed. He beautiful brown eyes flew open as I said his name. When he saw it was me he visibly relaxed, letting out a sigh. "H-Hey, (Y/N)" Morty said with a small smile. I leaned my head on his shoulder, smiling. "you look good in your glasses" I say closing my eyes. "Th-thanks" he says after a moment.

Timskip: About five minutes
Me and Morty had been sitting here for about five minutes when he said "What do you d-do if you l-like someone." . My heart sunk hearing this, it's probably Jessica. All the boys like Jessica. "Umm, well, I guess you should just go for it." I say pulling my head off his shoulder. He slightly frowned, I guess he didn't like my advice. "O-ok" he said then took a deep breath before kissing me. It was just a quick peck on the lips. Me and Morty were both blushing madly. "W-well it's getting late, i-i should probably g-go" he said about to stand. I grabbed his hand before he could, and he looked at me, confused. I quickly kissed him, before standing up "Meet me here tomorrow" I say before running off.

For the rest of the month we met at that tree, until one day Morty didn't show up.

The next day
I saw Morty in the hall, he looked really worried. I was about to call out but if he didn't show yesterday he probably doesn't want to hang out. I made my way to Mr. GoldenFold's class. I sat in my usual seat, but Morty sat in a different one, glancing at me every now and then.

Time skip to the end of class
I was putting stuff in my locker when a man in a lab coat, came running passed me. "Morty! We have to go Morty. Come on" he said, his words slightly slurred. "No Rick! You made me miss something yesterday! I told you I'm done!" Morty said sternly, for once he wasn't stuttering. "Come on Morty. I'm sure that boy isn't mad let's go." He grabbed Morty's arm. "I'll tell mom!" Morty said loudly, and the man stopped in his tracks, letting Morty go. "Fine, I'll get summers help." The man, Morty called Rick, said stomping off. I walked up to Morty, "Hey, what was that about?" I asked. "th-that's my grandpa Rick. H-he's a scientist, and it's not a good excuse but he's the reason I didn't show y-yesterday." He rubbed the back of his neck, with his hand, looking nervous. "Its fine, just text me next time. I thought you were mad at me" I say with a giggle. "A-alright" he said smiling. "See you later?" I ask with a smile. He smiled back "of course". He kissed me before running off to his next class. What am I going to do with that boy, I chuckle to myself.

1102 words~
≈(^OwO^)≈✌ Omni Out~

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