21. Bitterness Of The Past

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It was the day after, and the very first day for all the selected individuals to come on board to officially launch the Project VC into place. Maya is feeling so much better about the momentum of the project's progression putting her in an excellent mood this morning.

She even got up and ready to go with a simple black dress and navy cape blazer, with light makeup and high ponytail. Truly looking like a boss herself.

Parker, on the other hand, had a late-night over the phone with someone and did not manage to get his hours of sleep in so he looked pretty beaten this morning, not being the usual sunshine he is.

"You feeling alright?" Maya asked as they both stepped into VC main office, each with a paper cup coffee in their hands.

"I guess so. Long night."

"I knocked out pretty early, didn't know you were up and busy. Talking to Sean?" Maya asked as Sean is one of Parker's close friend back in LA.

"Nope, someone else."

Maya raised her brow, who can this someone else be? She wanted to ask further but as soon as they got into the lift, Parker closes his eyes shut and leaned his head against the wall, resting while it elevated to Namjoon's office.

"Good morning Jimin." Maya said as soon as the door of the lift opened, revealing the handsome silver head.

"Morning Maya."

Parker's head jolted away from the wall he was resting as if being electrocuted when he heard the silver head's name and voice.

"H-Hi." Parker greeted.

Maya narrowed her eyes at these two, already having her question about whom Parker was talking all night long answered. She quickly moved away, leaving the two behind to catch up as she walked to the office, locating Namjoon and 3 other staffs with him.

"Hello Maya, morning. You look very lovely today." As usual, Namjoon walked towards her, greeted the girl with a soft hug and ushered her to her seat. They did become a lot more closer and casual after all the meetings and hangouts.

"Shall we start then?" Maya said after having Parker joining her side, ensuring her team back in LA is on the con-call.

The entire meeting was pretty fruitful and insightful, making Maya extremely satisfied for she truly believes this team of hers combined with Namjoon and Jimin's will do an excellent job.

"Um, excuse me Jimin, but isn't Taehyung suppose to be here? I don't think so he is right?" Maya asked after noticing that the present 3 headcounts sitting across her have no Taehyung in them.

"Oh yea, he is unable to make it today as he is just flying off the country for some of his personal matter, he will join in when he is back."

"Jimin, then how am I suppose to discuss the regulations of the building's system and engineering with him?" Maya knew how important is working with Taehyung for the succession of this Project as she has zero knowledge of South Korea's regulations.

"Um, I can get you guys connected via phone? Will it help?" Namjoon jumped in.

"Hmmm, it won't be as good as having a face to face meeting. But whatever." Maya sounded distressed, she really doesn't like when something goes wrong with the plans as they are moving on smoothly.

"It's just he had some urgent issues and he had to fly out last night, sorry about that." Namjoon apologized when he noticed Maya's light frown.

"Oh, it's alright Joon, I just thought we can settle the basic foundation today so we can work on the modelling."

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