Xmas eve! :)
"Papa?" Sage yelled curiously.
"Yes princess?" Harry hummed. Him and Louis were sitting on the couch cuddling, while the twins were somewhere playing with their toys. Niall, Liam, and Zayn had come over earlier and gave Louis his birthday presents, and stayed for a couple hours. So Louis was a little tired.
"Was dis?" She asked, her voice lingering from the kitchen
"What's what babe?" he answered, while snuggling closer to Louis, who was almost asleep on his chest.
"Dis!" She screeched. Little pitter patters were echoing throughout the house,and soon Sage stood in from of him with a large carton in her hands.
"That's milk silly. You know that".
"Hmm" she paused "otay papa!" Then she was skipping off to the kitchen. Harry watched her and laughed. The twins definitely entertained them.
"Haz" Louis groaned. His voice was hoarse.
"Yes darling?" He hummed, pushing the hair from Louis' eyes away. The sound of Harry's heartbeat soothed Louis to sleep for a couple minutes before Sage came barging into the room.
"What time is it?"
"Almost five" He said, checking the time on his phone. "Want me to go start dinner?"
"Yes please" Louis mumbled tiredly.
"Alright my beautiful birthday boy" Harry smiled while pecking Louis on the cheek, and leaving the man to sleep peacefully on the couch. He walked to the kitchen, pulling out some ingredients to make Louis' favourite food. Spaghetti. Normal families would have a beautiful well prepared dinner on Christmas Eve, but because it was Louis' birthday, spaghetti it is.
"Um, papa?" Sage asked curiously.
"Yeah Sage?" Harry asked, pouring the noodles into the boiling pot of water.
"Dis dosn't taste wike milk" she said, rubbing her eyes with her fists.
"What are ya talking abo-" Harry paused as he saw what was actually in Sage's hand.
It wasn't milk.
It was eggnog.
Alcoholic eggnog.
"Oh lord, oh lord. Give me that!" he screeched, snatching the cardboard carton from the child's small hands.
"Papa!" Sage whined.
"Baby, how much of this did you drink?" Harry asked, his heart pounding out of his chest.
"I dunno" she shrugged.
"Okay, um..." Harry was panicking. He picked her up, carrying her up the stairs. "How about, we take a nap okay?" he asked.
"Yes Sagey. Just until dinner is ready" he proposed.
"otay papa" she nodded into the crook of his neck. She yawned tiredly.
"You can never tell daddy that you had some of that..um..milk" he sighed, running his hands over his face. "Okay?" he asked, lying the three year old into her bed.
"Alwight papa" she yawned.
"Okay" he groaned, turning off the light. "Cole?" he yelled, wondering where the little boy was. Within seconds, Colton came running out of the room next to Sage's.
"Hi papa!" he grinned, running over to Harry.
"There's my favourite boy!" Harry smiled widely, scooping up the boy and snuggling him close. Colton smiled and giggled into Harry's chest. "What have you been doing?" he asked, kissing Colton's forehead.
"Come see!" he said proudly, pointing to his room. Harry chuckled, walking into Colton's bedroom. "See! Look papa!" Colton exclaimed, pointing to a tower of Lego's.
"Wow!" Harry beamed. "This is taller than you! How did you make this buddy?" he smiled, ruffling up his hair.
"I can't tell you papa. Its a secwet!" Colton whispered into his dads ear.
"Well okay" Harry laughed.
"Where's Sage?" Colton wondered, trying to squirm out of Harry's arms,
Harry tightened his grip around Cole's waist. "She's having a nap. Er..Why don't you come help papa make a birthday dinner for Daddy?" he smiled. Colton nodded eagerly, jumping out of Harry's arms.
"Harry!" Louis yelled from what seemed to be the kitchen. Harry panicked, running down to the kitchen.
"Yes love?" he asked worriedly.
"You left the noodles on the stove. The water boiled over" Louis whined. Harry let out a breath of relief.
"Sorry babe" he chuckled. "Here, lemme get it"
"I already got it, just grab the strainer for me" Louis mumbled. Harry nodded, doing as he told. He handed the noodle strainer from the drawer underneath the sink, and handed it to his fiance.
"Thanks" Louis said, lightly and quickly kissing Harry's lips.
"Loouuu" Harry whined. "Let me cook, it's your birthday"
"Yeah daddy! Let us cook!" Colton clapped.
"Okay okay! Fine" Louis laughed, putting his hand up and walking to the living room.
"Alright Cole. I need you to set the table" Harry ordered. Colton already knew what to do since they did these things every night. Harry and Louis would take turns cooking and washing dishes, and the twins would take turns setting the table.
Once Harry finished cooking the pasta, and adding some hamburger meat and pasta sauce, he made some cheesy bread too. "Dinner!" he called, setting the food on the table. Louis walked in smiling from ear to ear. "Mmm, smells really good babe" he hummed. "Thank you" he said, kissing Harry's temple.
"Um daddy!" Colton yelled.
"What bub?" Louis questioned.
"I helped too!"
Louis laughed. "I'm sorry! Thank you Cole. I bet it's going to taste so good" he smiled warmly, poking Colton's tummy. Colton giggled, climbing onto his booster chair. Louis sat down at his seat, as Harry sat as his.
"Where's Sage?" Louis asked. Harry's eyes widened.
"Uh, she's just upstairs" Harry told him.
"Oh, I'll just go get her" Louis said, putting his fork down.
"NO!" Harry screeched. Louis looked at him in bewilderment. "I-I mean, no. You eat it's your birthday, I'll get her" he stuttered.
Harry raced up the stairs into Sages room. Luckily, she was already up, playing with her barbies.
"Hi papa" she grinned.
"How do you feel?" he asked, walking over to her and picking her up off the floor.
"Fine papa. Why?" She asked innocently.
"Nothing babe. You just seemed...Sick" he lied.
"Oh. No, I am otay" She nodded.
"Okay good. Now lets go eat dinner with daddy" he sighed.
"Otay!" she smiled.
Super short cute update. Haven't updated this in sooooo long.

Not With Haste (Larry mpreg)
Fanfic"Forever, plus a day" Or where Harry's a business man, and Louis's a moody, sassy, pregnant, stay at home dad. THIS IS PURE FLUFF, with a small storyline.