New Beginnings?(Chapter 1)

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"We can't let Handsome Jack take the vault and Pandora." Roland says this to the large crowd in Sanctuary the crowd of pandorians living in sanctuary cheer after every single one of his sentence, I stand behind him at the front of this large crowd next to Lilith. "He will change the planet and take what we've worked for, the vault, so we Crimson Raiders are going to kill him before he can start his plan of action and keep his dirty hands away from the Vault." The whole crowd surrounding the heads of the Crimson Raiders: Tannis, Tina Mordecai, Brick, Lilith, Roland, and myself.  The people of sanctuary were all crimson raiders so they agree with what the main heads agree on, yet I always seem to disagree with them but I learned to just not say anything if my opinion could get me in trouble, it wasn't worth it. Besides, I really didn't get a choice in what gets done if you don't want what the majority wants. Lilith smiles at the now inspired but bloodthirsty crowd "If anyone has questions or ideas on how to help come talk to me." She announces this and the crowd starts to separate and talk in groups, ask her questions, or go back to what they were doing before the announcement. A few people walk up to her and I take a deep breathe and look at the Helios station that seems to stalk everyone's movements from it place in the sky before gathering myself enough to say something to her. I stand next to Lilith and the rest of the raiders silently waiting, wanting this conversation to be more private. The first few people leave after a few minutes and there I am face to face with the Firehawk, I've been a crimson raider since I was thirteen, so I am close with Lilith even if we don't see eye to eye most of the time. "Hey hotshot, what's up?" She smiles when she sees me, making me feel worse then I already do about what I need to say. I take a deep breathe to calm my nerves, and I look her dead in the eyes. "Lilith, I don't think this plan is the right idea." I say this with confidence I never knew I had in me. She gives me a shocked expression, along with the remaining people around me from the announcement, why couldn't we have a moment of privacy here. "Why?" She asks this with anger in her voice "Maybe getting a more high-tech, less dirty, and violent Pandora will be nice..." She looks pissed, but before she can start talking I keep going with my thoughts, I will say what I want to:  "We constantly have to worry about getting killed by literally everything here, and if we go against Handsome Jack he will kill us in no time, you know this better than any of us! Plus he might actually know what he's doing; the idea of safer cities without not blood thirsty maniacs and animals that want to kill you sounds kind of appealing." Lilith shakes her head and raises her voice "You don't know the dammed idiot or what his plans would really be like! I know what might happen I knew him you don't know what I do!" I flinch at the tone in her voice and I feel tears welling in my eyes from the confrontation gone wrong and feel anger rises in me, deep down I really hoped she would listen to me. "Then count me out! I am not a damn Crimson Raider anymore!" I yell this back at her and she looks confused, in all the years she's known me I've never lost my cool like this I tend to stay as calm as possible.

 I storm away from her and into the Crimson Raider base, and into the living quarters my eyes burning from needing to cry but I am refusing to. I go into my room, and grab a back pack. I throw my basic necessities and some other things such as two guns, ammo, my echo, along with a few pairs of clothes into the bag. I zip up my bag and swing it over my shoulder. I compose myself as I am walking out of my room. I make my way outside and I see Lilith, I turn away from her and I begin to walk towards the exit of the secure town as fast as possible without drawing to much attention to myself. "Y/N wait please-" she follows close after my as I make my way towards the gates. "Leave me alone." I say this with long pauses between each word, with venom tracing them as well. "I have made my choice and you can't tell me other wise." She tries to grab my shoulder but I shrug off her touch, and I exit Sanctuary, for what could be the last time. I hear the large gate doors slam shut behind me and I feel a wave of relief but at the same time, overwhelming fear. Pandora was not the safest place to be in especially if you are alone. I begin walking away from the place I've called my home for so many years, I feel utterly lost, I try to stay in town whenever I am not on missions so this was different. I end up walking down the road for a while trying to get away from Sanctuary as safely as possible keeping on the road for as long as I can to prevent any easily avoidable psycho encounters. The road ends and I take a left walking through the empty land until I notice an expensive looking ship parked off in the distance. I walk towards it, but stop before I am to close to it as a way to not draw to much attention to myself. I look at it and read the Hyperion logo and I immediately have a sinking feeling in my stomach. Handsome Jack is here, he always visits in the most showy shuttles. I crouch behind a nearby rock, and look at the ship, processing the fact that Handsome Jack could be on the planet. I sit behind the rock and feel my breath hitch as a group of shadows approaches me. I look up and instead of Hyperion soldiers, it was Psychos, because of course as soon as I leave the safety of the rod they find me. "Shit..." I mumble this as they start running at me, screaming nonsense. I let out a yelp as I grabbed one of my guns, a small hand gun, and begin to fire at them, I start pushing them off, there has to be at least 15 of these crazies surrounding me. I fire and knock a few but as more approach like zombies swarming me, I hear a faint click-click-click. . . God dammit. . .I'm out of ammo. I use the empty gun and beat one of them over the head and start to make a run for it, I don't have time to refill my ammo or grab a new gun, so I ran start for the ship, maybe they can help me. As I run away I trip and feel a sharp pain in my leg. I try to scurry up, but as I turn over I look up at my impending doom, death by buzzsaw. Before anything else can happen I hear gunshots. I look behind me where I heard the sound to see who is saving me and see none other than Jack. This is the strangest thing to ever happen to me. He gets the last of the bandits I had left with a large yellow auto-rifle, and he walks over to me. I am lost in his multicolored eyes, blue and green looking down at me, I can't believe all of this is happening. "You alright pumpkin?" He asks this and offers me his hand, I look at it for a second before nodding and taking his hand. My legs seem to scream in protest, whether it is from walking more than normally or getting attacked was a mystery. I look and see that the knees of my pants are ripped and bloody, but other than that, and my scraped knees and palms I was fine, not including the mass amounts of dirt and dust. We both just stand staring at each other for a little while to long, and I feel my face heat up. I look disgusting in front of the most powerful man in the galaxy. "What's your name pumpkin?" He questions me, and I am a bit surprised at this. "Oh I'm Y/N Y/L/N, it's an honor to meet you Handsome Jack." He smirks at my response "Call me Jack Y/N." He looks at me and notices my well packed bag. "Well what's your story then or do you just carry around a stupidly large backpack?"

Edit: 12-1-2021

Word count: 1507

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