Chapter 1: Chariot Awaits (Prologue, Part 1)

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Within the known universe, there are four individual galaxies. Each galaxy is indicated by a respective cardinal direction, either being called North, South, East, or West. The North, or Milky Way Galaxy as it is commonly called, is notably distinct from its three brethren in more ways than simply one. One such difference is the existence of a planet called Earth. This world, strangely enough, is home to more species than any other in its entire solar system. From ferocious dinosaurs to anthropomorphic dogs, the Earth inhabits a seemingly endless array of sentient life, some even possessing magical and superhuman abilities. Such phenomena makes it appear that no other planet could match the sheer danger and uniqueness indicative of Earth. However, this assessment is not entirely true.

As of now, much of the universe has yet to be explored or fully understood. In fact, much like the four galaxies, there are multiple universes as well. These universes hold just as much, if not more, extraterrestrial life than Earth itself. One such universe in particular has an Earth of its own; a twin Earth to be more specific. Not much is known about this version of the planet, but to be perfectly honest, it pales in comparison to another world. That being a third Earth that seemingly materialized out of thin air, yet was somehow equal in age and structure to its two counterparts. Located in the West Galaxy, this planet had a mystical, almost otherworldly atmosphere to it. It was as if some type of green energy flowed all throughout, projecting a protective layer or tissue. Where this exactly came from could not be entirely explained. All that could be said for certain was that this same energy connected the North Galaxy with the West Galaxy using an interdimensional thread; a thread which closely resembled the roots of a once-massive tree. Projecting portals at random intervals, this abnormal root between galaxies would change the course of two kids' very lives.

The first child was none other than Earth's most powerful fighter: Son Goku. After a long, grueling battle with Demon King Piccolo, Goku began to partake in a 3-year period of martial arts training atop the Lookout. The Lookout itself was a semi-spherical platform which hung over the highest point of Earth's sky. Here, Kami, the current Guardian of Earth, oversaw the inhabitants of this planet, making sure they were safe from harm. He dealt with this task alongside his genie-like attendant, Mr. Popo. Said black-skinned individual was calmly watering the Lookout's flowers as Goku sat in a meditative position. The boy had spiky, gravity-defiant hair, and wore an orange martial arts gi. This gi was paired with blue shoes, wristbands of the same color, and a black sash. To top it all off, Goku also sported a circular pendant on the left side of his chest. Said yellow badge housed the Japanese kanji for "turtle" in bold, black text, signifying Goku's status as a student of the Turtle School for Martial Arts.

Goku, sitting cross-legged, held his hands up in a gesture reminiscent of religious worship or respect for the dead. His eyes were also closed in an uncharacteristically, focused calm state of being. Managing to do this was further baffling for the 16-year-old since his monkey tail was recently ripped out...for good. In order to bring back the moon Master Roshi previously destroyed, preventing Goku from transforming again was a necessity for Kami. A stronger, almost unbeatable Great Ape was not something Kami was prepared enough to handle. Especially since Piccolo Jr., the final offspring and reincarnation of his evil half, was still out there, waiting to exact vengeance unto Goku. In that regard, preparing Goku for that inevitable fight needed to be done without any further distractions. Unfortunately, to his chagrin, Kami had a sinking feeling that something was amiss on the Lookout.

He turned his head from side-to-side, looking around the pavilion for any sort of strange energy signatures. In spite of his age, pinpointing hostile ki was a notable specialty for the ancient alien. It was how he managed to separate himself from King Piccolo, after all.

" appears that an influx of magical energy suddenly emerged..." Kami thought curiously. He twitched both antennae about, wondering if the identification of this magical energy was a mistake on his part.

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