Part 3

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In Part 2:

Finn nodded, still having his doubts. "Go to sleep, you look tired."

"Probably not nearly as tired as you look right now. Promise me you'll sleep, too. I'm going to be okay," she assured him for the millionth time.

"Alright, I promise."

"Good," she said, already slipping into sleep. "I love you."

The words shocked Finn down to his core. He thought about saying those very words to her for the last week, but he never thought they'd come out of Clarke's mouth. She was already asleep before he could question anything. He just sighed and bent down to kiss her on the forehead again.

She loved him. It actually made Finn giddy inside, yet he wasn't so sure Clarke meant it. She was half asleep and also in a terrible amount of pain. Still, she loved him. He smiled then curled back up in the corner he was in before just in case Bellamy came back to sleep in the other hammock. 

Part 3:

Clarke's Dream


"Maybe we should set them up farther away from camp," Murphy suggested. "We'll have a better chance of catching something."

Bellamy shot that down immediately. "The farther we go, the higher chance there is of running into Grounders. We shouldn't take the risk."

Murphy held the urge to argue. "Whatever you say, boss," he said, through gritted teeth.

It didn't go unnoticed by Clarke when Murphy put his hand in his jacket pocket and seemed to squeeze something. She tried to shake out the paranoia she had in her head and squeezed the knife in her own pocket harder.

It took the three of them almost an hour to set up all the traps, but when they started heading back, Bellamy couldn't remember which path they took.

"We could really use Finn right now," Bellamy muttered, remembering how good of a tracker Finn was.

"You don't say," Clarke said sarcastically, now regretting having ever come with.

"Yeah, well, maybe if he wasn't so selfish, he would've come with," Murphy piped in.

Clarke spun around to face him. "Would you just lay off? All you do is complain and rip on other people. For once, I'd love to see you just shut up!"

A look of anger and psychopathy crossed over Murphy's face as he snapped. He pushed Clarke into a tree and took the knife out of his pocket.

Clarke let out a breath of pure terror as he positioned it right at her neck. "I'm sure you'd like that, princess," he said maniacally. "You want to know what I'd love even more?"

Bellamy didn't give Murphy a chance to finish his thought. He jumped him, but Murphy quickly threw him off. Clarke just stayed pinned against the tree, breathing heavily and thinking of her next move.

Meanwhile, Murphy had Bellamy down on the ground. Bellamy was terrified at that moment. "Murphy, come on-"

"No!" Murphy spat. "I'm sick and tired of you and her running everything."

Before Clarke could stop him, Murphy slashed Bellamy across his side with the knife. Bellamy let out a few breaths but couldn’t take any in. All the air had escaped through the fresh wound with a ton of blood.

Clarke thought about running, but she didn't know where she would go, and she wouldn't leave Bellamy behind.

Murphy stood up and wiped beads of sweat off of his lip. "'Whatever the hell we want', right, Bellamy?" He taunted. Murphy turned to Clarke. "Now, what should I do with you? The princess, the ever so brave and courageous. Not so brave now, are we?"

Clarke gritted her teeth. She glanced over at Bellamy who was still struggling to breathe, yet still alive. "Murphy, listen to me-"

He chuckled psychotically and it burned Clarke all the way down to her bones. "I'm done listening to you, to anyone." He looked her right in the eyes and drove the knife straight into her thigh but not before saying, "Have fun trying to get back to camp."

Clarke gasped, now struggling for breath herself. She dropped to the ground and was seeing two of everything. Two of Murphy running away, two of Bellamy crawling towards her, four of his hands reaching out to help her up.

Clarke didn't realize that Bellamy was trying to pick her up until she was almost fully in his arms. "Stop," she weakly protested. "You could split your wound open more by carrying me."

"Don't be crazy," he said, already gasping for air. "You can't walk with a knife in your leg."

Clarke opened her eyes long enough to see the blood all over Bellamy. That made up her mind. "I can't walk, but I can hobble."

Those were the lasts words she got out before almost passing out. Bellamy knew that they had to make it back to camp soon, but if he couldn’t remember how to get back before, there was no way he did now. Considering he and Clarke were both stabbed on their right sides, he knew he'd have to use his bad side to hold her up. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders despite the pain he was in and started on the long journey back, hoping he was walking towards camp and not towards death.

"Clarke- Clarke!" Finn said, shaking Clarke awake from a nightmare.

She woke up suddenly and covered in sweat. "What- I, what happened? I was- Murphy and Bell- he-," she muttered incoherently and panicky.

Finn held her shoulders still. "Listen to me. You had a nightmare, that's it. You're okay, I promise." he said slowly and sternly.

Clarke finally started to come back to reality. "But Murphy-,"

"Isn't here," Finn finished.

She took a deep breath and relaxed against the hammock. "He didn't want us to die."

Finn looked at her, confused. "Huh?" Clarke tried to sit up and explain but was once again met with a fiery pain. "Hey, okay, just relax. Let me get a washcloth for your head, then you can explain."

He came back a second later and laid a cold towel on Clarke's forehead. "Murphy didn't want Bellamy and me to die," she started to explain. "Right before he stabbed me, he said 'good luck getting back to camp' like he knew we'd make it back. Why didn't he just kill us if he wanted to be the leader so badly?"

Finn ran a hand through his hair. "I think we should talk about this in the morning with Bellamy. Maybe he'll remember more, too."

Clarke nodded. "God, I could've done something more to stop Murphy."

This made Finn think back to the fight he and Monty had the day before. "None of this is your fault. You didn't drive the knife in yourself or into Bellamy. I never should've let you go with Murphy in the first place."

"Finn, where is this coming from?" Clarke asked in disbelief. "It was my decision to go, and you weren't going to change my mind about it."

Finn just shook his head. "I should've tried harder to protect you."

"You did everything you could. No one could've predicted this."

"Do you remember what you said to me before you fell asleep?" Finn asked, changing the subject. Clarke was still waking up, still traumatized from the dream she had. She was drawing a blank as to what Finn meant. She gave him a confused look. "You told me you loved me, Clarke."

Clarke's eyes widened as she started to remember. It's not like what she said wasn't true, it was just that she didn't want to tell him like that. She smiled a little. "Yeah, I guess I did."

Judging by her reaction, Finn could tell she actually did love him and that it wasn't just the pained, delusional state she was in. "Well, I just think it's coincidence," he started, smirking. "Cause, I love you, too."

Clarke smiled. "A coincidence, huh?"

Finn leaned in to kiss her. "Yup," he whispered before pressing his lips to hers.

Thanks to everyone who read this. It means the world :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2015 ⏰

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