Part 1

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Part 2 to come. Thanks for reading!! :)

"Why do think you're always right about everything?" Clarke asked frustratingly.

"Because I am right about this, Clarke," Finn shot back. "We've only been on the ground for three weeks. You really want to put yourself in danger this soon after being here? Because that's what you'll be doing if you go with them."

Clarke scoffed. "Are you serious right now? Finn, the only way we're going to be able to survive down here is if we trust each other. Bellamy's gotten a lot better since he found out that Jaha is alive. I have to trust him."

Bellamy had asked Clarke to go with him and Murphy outside the walls to set up traps for animals. Clarke had been gathering rations for the three of them when Finn came in to speak his mind. He hadn't intended for it to turn into a huge fight, but it was inevitable at that point.

"I'm not talking about Bellamy. Wasn't it Murphy who, just last week, freaked out and almost killed Monty with his bare hands? The kid's a psychopath, Clarke. Trust Bellamy all you want, but as long as Murphy is going, you shouldn't be. He's not exactly your biggest fan."

Clarke rolled her eyes. "You're in no position to be telling me what I should and shouldn't do. If you're so worried about what Murphy might do, come with us."

Finn hesitated just like Clarke knew he would. The ground had changed Finn's spontaneity; the "spacewalker" they all knew him as was gone. He preferred to discuss defensive strategies from behind the walls.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Clarke said coldly. "But these people are going to need a leader when Bellamy and I are both dead, right?"

She regretted saying it as soon as she did, but she didn't show it. Clarke strapped the bag of food over her shoulder and started toward the door. Finn grabbed her wrist to stop her. "Clarke," he said, tone considerably softer.

Clarke turned back to Finn. "What?" She said angrily.

Finn squeezed her wrist. He knew he wasn't going to be able to keep her from going. "Be careful. Take a knife and watch your back."

Clarke's heart lightened up a little bit. Finn was just trying to protect her but sometimes, he just couldn't let her go. "Stop being so paranoid. Nothing is going to go wrong," she said, reassuringly.

Finn nodded simply, let her wrist go, and watched her walk out of the drop ship.


Finn was on edge all day long, and his hands couldn’t seem to stop shaking. He was laying on the cot in his tent when he heard an all too familiar voice yelling his name.

"Finn! Someone get Finn!" He heard Bellamy shout.

Finn bolted up and ran out of the tent, pushing past people working on the wall to see that Bellamy and Clarke were literally stumbling back into camp.

The first thing Finn noticed was the blood. Bellamy had his arm around Clarke and was using all his strength to keep her up. The next thing he noticed was the knife sticking out of Clarke's right thigh. She was pale and sweating and breathing heavily.

"What happened?" Finn questioned frantically.

This was when he noticed that Bellamy, too, was extremely pale and shaky. Then, Finn saw the blood that stained Bellamy's side, seeping into Clarke's shirt as well. Bellamy acted as a crutch for Clarke so she didn't have to put too much pressure on her bad leg even though he was also stabbed on that side.

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