Chapter 13

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This chapter may contain more smut or maturer content than usual so......ya XD Avert your eyes children! If you don't like it just skip over it and continue on with your day plz. I hope you don't mind and feel free to say if you like this or not for the sake of future chapters but no hate plz....

(...Since that's over with, HELLO READERS, how've you been? I know it's been a bit from the last time I posted a chapter, but life is kinda all over the place right now. I hope you all are doing well, and that everything is going ok. But ya, I hope to make it up with a long chapter and decided to add more smut. Although just keep in mind that this will mostly be in Goku's p.o.v. Anyways, if you enjoy it please give a vote, a comment, and maybe even follow me. Have fun!)

Frieza's p.o.v.

It was late at night, and many delectable foods were sprawled out onto the dining table. There were bountiful plates and bowls of pork, soups, rice, etc. There wasn't even an inch of space left on the table, as it was taken up by the large meal. So these are the 'leftovers', Frieza thought almost amused. He then let his eyes roam to Goku, who sat across from him. He continued to watch as his counterpart awed at the food ecstatically before taking in any of it. His raven hair was wetted down from the shower he took, and it had a subtle sheen from the dim lit room. His eyes had dark rims beneath them and were fixated on the food intensely.
The saiyan grabbed some chopsticks quickly and didn't waste another minute just looking at the food. He sloppily began devouring the food, and was getting stains on the soft material of his shirt and pants. Frieza chuckled, "Heheh, hungry aren't you?" Goku didn't answer and instead nodded while inhaling all of the meals. The tyrant smirked from this as he quickly joined and grabbed a plate of different foods, hoping to get some before it was all gone. He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as he watched the saiyan guzzle down everything within a reaching distance. His cheeks were full and grains of rice stuck themselves around his mouth.
Frieza then commented, "Hm, even exhaustion seems to have no effect on your appetite." The hero was biting down on a pork chop, and a bright smile spread across his cheeks. The expression highlighted the dark circles under his eyes. He finished chewing before replying, "heheh, you think so?" Goku grabbed more rice, and Frieza himself also tried some of it.
He poked a fork into some of the meat, cautiously eyeing it. When he got a piece and chewed on it, he frowned. It was far too bland for him, nevertheless he continued to eat it. He had a couple more bites of the food before finishing. He patted the napkin against his mouth in an elegant manner.
Goku turned his head in confusion before asking, "Aren't you gonna eat more?" Frieza then laid his elbow on the table and rested his chin on the back of his hand. He casually answered, "No, I don't feel like eating right now." The saiyan sunk his teeth into another pork chop while he spoke, "dats pretti weird." The tyrant shrugged as a response, he waited patiently for the other to finish the meal. He continued to just poke at his food still a little repulsed by the lack of flavor. He was starting to get impatient.
A couple minutes past swiftly, and it was all the time Goku needed to finish everything. He leaned back in his chair causing it to squeak as he exclaimed, "Phew I'm stuffed!" The weary-eyed saiyan wiped some of the sauce and rice off of his face with his hand. Doing so, Frieza saw some of the bruises that outlined his collarbone, reminding him of the injuries Goku endured. Hmph, such an inferior species. He suddenly stood up, moving his chair behind him promptly which made Goku's eyes slightly widen. He explained, "I suggest we take care of your wounds before you get any infections."

Goku's p.o.v.

Frieza opened the first aid kit that sat on the coffee table, he snapped the kit open and looked over at the saiyan. He remarked, "You can go ahead and sit down. It won't take too long to replace these bandages." Goku walked over and awkwardly sat himself onto the floor, with his back against the wall. Why is he being so kind all of a sudden? he thought confused. Frieza then brought the bandages and some rubbing alcohol along with a cotton-like material, and sat down a few feet in front of the saiyan.
Frieza then explained, "I'll start with the biggest wound to get it over with." He added with a smirk, "Do remember to not cry from pain. I don't have enough patience for that." Goku replied back tiredly, "Hah, try not to get your hopes too high." Frieza's smile widened at this comment.
He brought his hand out to Goku's chest, and began to unbuttoned his wool shirt. The saiyan's hearted began pounding out of surprise. They were close enough for the saiyan to feel the other's warm breath on his exposed skin, which sent shivers all around his body. He felt his face immediately become flush from the  unexpected sensation, and he locked eyes with the ice jin's red ones. Frieza noticed this and his cheeks reddened a bit as he spoke, "Calm down monkey, I have no ill intentions I'm just simply taking care of your wounds." From this Goku's blush deepened as he looked away. The tyrant hesitated a bit, but he continued to undo the buttons of his shirt, the hero couldn't even look him in the eye. Why am I getting so nervous from this? I've never felt this way over something like undressing, he thought as his heart pounded loudly in his ears. He prayed to the gods that Frieza couldn't hear his heartbeat as loudly as he did.
When Frieza undid the last button, he moved the shirt to reveal some of the wounds from the last couple of days. There still was a gash taken out of his abdomen area from Cooler, but the rest were just bruises and small scratches. Luckily, there was a lot less blood then how it was earlier and most of it had been cleaned after being showered off. Frieza than grabbed the cotton-like material and poured a small amount of  rubbing alcohol on it. The smell of the disinfectant was overpowering and filled the hero's nose. Frieza looked up at the saiyan, and spoke in a unusual gentle tone, "Now then, I'll began here." He pointed to the gash nearly touching it, making the hero flinch. Frieza brought the cotton near the wound and moved close to Goku. The ice jin's face was only a few inches from his unclothed chest. He then pressed the cotton down onto the gash, causing the saiyan to hiss as his face cringed. The stinging of the rubbing alcohol mixed with the other's warm breath hitting against his chest welled up strange feelings unknown to him. The cotton was pressed down another time, sending another shock of pain down his spine causing him to groan, "Nhhg!" He instinctively moved his back closer to the wall, attempting to escape from the pain. Frieza looked back up to him, but then continued to pat the cotton carefully onto the wound while saying, "If you keep squirming it'll take longer." Each breath that Frieza took near the saiyan's skin made a strange tingling sensation spread throughout his body. He muttered, "Sorry." Frieza then moved back a little and brought the cotton away from his wound to put some more of the alcohol on it. He reached over and only put a few drops. The tyrant then moved closer again and began patting the cotton onto the gash at a faster pace. Goku continued to cringe from the burning of the rubbing alcohol but at the same time had a peculiar urge to move closer to the ice jin. He was curious about the unfamiliar sensations that occurred from the other's warmth. Frieza then glanced up at the other and hummed, "Hmm, it seems that you are rather are enjoying this experience." Goku's blush seemed to deepen from this comment. The tyrant smirked as he continued, "Perhaps even a bit too much." Goku had a shocked expression from this as his heart beat also sped up. He tried to make his blush less obvious, not wanting for the other to see him as a creep. The ice jin laughed devilishly as he added, "Heheh, I'm only messing with you." Goku released a breath he held and chuckled along nervously. He patted the cotton down on a few other smaller scratches before he stated, "Anyways, I believe that is enough of the disinfectant so I'll start bandaging you up now."
To Goku's dismay, the tyrant scooted himself away from him to get the bandages that laid across from them. Once grabbing the bandages, he unraveled them and moved back over to the hero. Frieza started to wrap it around his abdomen area, which was surprisingly more sensitive than usual, but not exactly in a painful way. The ice jin wrapped the bandages around the hero several times before it became fully secure. However Goku didn't focus on that, and instead he was paying attention to how close the tyrant's face was to his own. He tried his best to look away, but was in a trance as he watched the way Frieza's eyes would furrow whenever he focused. When Frieza finished securing the bandages, he faced Goku while saying, "I believe we're done here, the rest are just small scratches and can heal themselves quickly." Goku made an apparent frown without realizing it, as he let out a disappointed, "Oh." Frieza was amused by this as he continued, "What, were you wanting more of something?"
The blushing saiyan turned his head in confusion as he wondered, "What do ya mean?" Frieza then wore an annoyed expression at the dumbfounded hero, sighing as he spoke, "Now Goku, you made it painfully clear that you were loving this whole experience." The saiyan froze as his stomach had a cold feeling. His face couldn't get any redder, his embarrassment was obvious from his expression. Goku stuttered, "M-My bad, I don't know what's up with me today."
Frieza just hummed in response, as if he were amused from his reply. He then dramatically exasperated, "What ever happened to all the confidence you usually have?" Goku didn't know how to respond to this, shame seemed to replace the embarrassment he had previously felt. But still his blush remained on his cheeks. The ice jin then leaned forward pressed his lips firmly against the hero's. Goku's eyes widened, and he almost gasped out of surprise. The unknown sensation seemed to intensify in his lower abdomen at that moment, and he couldn't help but melt into the kiss. The saiyan also leaned in to the other, which lead to him feeling the tyrant's soft lips curl into a smile. When they parted, the ice jin also had a blush spread across his face, which the hero took as an invitation to continue. He pressed his lips against the other's several times, causing light smacking noises to fill the living room.
Goku then felt Frieza's heated tongue glide along his lips, trying to have entrance into his mouth. The saiyan freaked out from the sudden action and pulled himself away, nearly knocking his head against the wall. He looked confused while he wiped his lips with his hand, "Ew, why'd you use your tongue?!" Frieza gave him a bewildered look, and asked, "Goku, you do know that people kiss like that, right?" The saiyan just knitted his brows together in thought. This lasted for a couple seconds before he shook his head and said, "Hmm, that doesn't sound right..." Frieza sneered at this statement and spoke, "I'm not surprised that an ape like you isn't experienced, too busy fighting others I presume." Ouch... Goku pouted hearing this, and looked a bit childish. The ice jin brought his hand up to the hero's cheek, caressing the side of his face gently. He then said, "I suppose it's getting late anyways, maybe next time." Goku laid his head fully into the tyrant's hand as he protested, "Ehh—Why??" Frieza then let his hand fall back to his side as he stood up tall, allowing his back to have a good stretch. The ice jin then yawned as he reasoned, "Besides, we would be better off being somewhere more private." Goku still sat with a frown on his face, and watched as the other grabbed the first aid kit and was cleaning everything up and put away.

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