Morning Rays

730 39 25

An: fluff because... fluff. Also written a tiny bit different, no set pov, etcetc. my fav prolly
-fluff (cuddle scene and slight make-out session)
tw: none woot

A soft sigh escaped Dream's lips as the gentle morning rays greeted his blurry early eyes.

Saturdays were his favorite day for a multitude of reasons. His favorite time being waking up in the morning. Actually, every part of the day was his favorite.

Because of him.

Nestled in the nook of his chest lie a brunette. He fit so snuggly and like a puzzle that Dream knew they were soulmates.

It was optimistic but Dream didn't ignore the blatant truth that sang so peacefully in the clouds.

Dream unlatched his arms from around the boy and stretched, parting his mouth in a yawn. He shifted to his side to face George.

There were many ways he described George in his head, often as angelic or perfect. But right now, he looked simply ethereal. The sun's golden light wrapped around his smooth features, shading like a professional portrait. The beam faded into marvelous shades that highlighted the innocence on his face.

He was just fascinating.

His fingers surged with pulsing energy as he brushed them down George's jawline in a petite motion, watching the tensed muscles relax under the touch.

George stirred, shivering under the touch before reaching for it again. Measly attempts were met with success as Dream repeated the motion for a few moments. The blond's hand finally rested on the brown-eyed boy's cheek and traced circular motions around his lips.

George giggled euphorically, the hint of his enjoyment portrayed in the lifting of his expression. His optics blinked open hesitantly.

He was greeted with the sight of Dream's eyes.

George usually described Dream's eyes as just green, since that was the color he associated with green. For all he knew, there was a chance Dream had yellow eyes. Not like he could tell the difference (he hoped he could). Dream always tried to explain colors to him, but the definitions flew over his head, but one really stood out to him.

"Green," Dream pondered slowly, looking outside the window to their apartment. "Green is lucious color of nature. It's soft but rough, in a way. It gives you a warm feeling inside, but looks like it would be cool to the touch."

It was an absurd description, but it made sense to him. In his cursed colorblind eyes, he saw anything green as a pale vomit yellow.

Piss yellow as Dream joked.

Red looked awfully like brown, but he could tell them apart if he tried. Sometimes a passing glance was enough, other times he needed to see the colors around it to see if it was the right color.

He clearly didn't check the bell peppers he brought home from the store a few days ago, as Dream wheezed endlessly about it. He later learned he had gotten two yellow ones and a green one. Embarrassing, but what could he do? He was colorblind.

As the silent morning air blanketed the couple, George had plenty of time to search Dream's eyes and come up with the perfect description of it.

Dream had tendrils of brown that outlined his black pupils like a wreath. His irises were rich with color he couldn't see properly, but could just feel. He saw the cool temperature of the earth in them, he saw the snaking vines of the trees and the rose buds in the park. He saw green in ways he had never seen before.

It was all just an illusion, but for the moment, he was fine with that.

Realistically, he still believed that having Dream as his boyfriend was a huge illusion as well. But Dream proved time and time again it wasn't. Like right now.

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