Chapter 6 - The Meeting

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Harry's POV:
"HARRY!" someone screams. I slowly open open my eyes. "Harry..." the voice repeats. I open my eyes fully and look around to see Paris shaking my arm, quite violently, I might add. I groan in agony but Paris continues to shake me, "We have a meeting for you to attend and I need to blindfold you and handcuff you."

I nod. I'm far to lazy to actually say anything since...ugh...I don't know. My head really hurts and i don't even want to think right now. It hurts that bad and it feels like craftsmen are hammering repeatedly.

"Ok." Paris says after a while and she lays a blindfold over my eyes and puts a large piece of duct tape over my mouth. She then uncuffs my hands and then recuffs them behind my back and hoists me to stand. I almost topple over since my legs have barely any feeling left in them because I have been tied down for so long. She walks me for a little while until she forces me to a chair.

"Sit." She demands, starting to show a very strong, negative attitude. I fall into a chair beneath my bum. Ouch! I then hear tape ripping and then feel it being pressed and wrapped around my ankles and wrists. "Now stay!" she hisses, before she walks away.

My head starts to feel funny and I start to see things in the darkness. I hope this is not death, because if it was, I was not expecting this. I start to feel tingly in my fingers and toes. Was the tape too tight? Was I loosing circulation? What's happening to me?

I tried to call for help, but with the tape on my mouth, I was restricted of doing so. I tired to groan from my throat, in hopes of someone hearing my pain but, nobody came. I only heard a few other groans from around me. Who could that be?

America's POV:
Time to wake the angry Irishman again. Ugh! This time if he lashes out, we can't put him out with any sedatives. I hope he will be calmer and will behave better than earlier.

I open the door to Niall's room quietly and see that he's still knocked out cold. Goodness gracious! I go over and tape his mouth shut. Don't want him to scream curses again at me. Also, I kinda don't want to hear him complain about being trapped here or how hungry he is. I don't wanna hear it. I then take the blindfold and tie it tightly over his closed eyes. Hopefully he can't see me. I don't want his mean glares on me either. After getting the tape and blindfold on, I tap his shoulder to wake him up. He doesn't wake up. UGHH! Niall! Stop being difficult. I try again, but this time I shake his shoulder. He starts to move and he groans. Well finally! Mr. Irish Grump is up now.

"Nialler baby. Time to wake up." I say as sweetly as I can. He groans again.

I detach him from the bed and cuff his hands together behind them. I hoist him up to stand and he almost falls over. "Don't you dare fall please." I beg. "I don't need you injured." He tries to walk but keeps stumbling over his own feet.

"I need help!!" I shout. Paris rushes into the room and helps me with the groaning Niall.

"Did he eat earlier?" she asks, concerned.

"Uh, didn't. Dal said that since he lashed out, he didn't deserve food."

"He's probably starved Mer! That's why he's not walking correctly. Plus, with the sedatives Dal gave him, he's probably on the brink of death right now."

"Uh oh." I respond, my eyes going slightly wide. Paris grimaces and just looks away.

We reach the dining room where the meeting is held and we see Harry, Zayn, and Liam already there blindfolded and tied to their chairs. Zayn seems pissed and is trying to get free from the chair by wiggling his wrists and ankles, hoping to loosen the tape. Harry looks so out of it and looks like he's in pain. His fingers look a little discolored and look a little pale than the rest of his body. His head keeps bobbing from side to side, like he's running in circles, mentally. Liam, on the other hand, looks uncomfortable but isn't showing emotion of anger or sickness. He is trying to scooch his butt around on the hard, wooden chair so he's more comfortable, but it's probably not working well. We sit Niall in a chair and tie him up. He's extremely weak so he doesn't hassle with us, which is kinda good but not really. After tying him down, we go to find Dal who is bringing, well more like dragging, a tied up and blindfolded Louis to the table. He looks very upset and seems like that he doesn't really care that he's being dragged across the floor. I frown in confusion at the scene about why Louis doesn't feel the pain but I ignore my confusion and go and help Dal put him in the last chair available. After getting him tied down, Dal goes to the front of the table to start the meeting.

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