Chapter 11 - I'm gonna get ya

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**Trigger Warning: mention of death threats and an actual texted death threat. (well not a IRL one, but its a threat in fictional world)**

Dallas' POV:
Well the news is out, "The members of One Direction have gone missing!" They finally noticed and it took them a week, A WHOLE FUCKING WEEK, to figure out that they are missing. What idiots these boys have to put up with. Sweet heavens ughhh!!!!

Now with the police in LA on the lookout for the boys, we now have to be more careful when Arielle is home. If she finds out, we are so fucking screwed. SHIT! What are we going to do about her. Should we kidnap her too or do we force her out of the house? Hmmm....what to do with her???

Also, if the police DO come too close, we are packing our shit up and going to the Edwards' 'secret' mountain chalet in Colorado. If the worse comes to worse, we go there.

I decided to host another 'girl meeting' without Syd, since she's quite useless on kidnapping ideas, and tell them about what to do next. I text them all individually and ask them to come to the dining room on the main floor. They come immediately and they sit down.

"Ok, so the world found out. They know the boys are missing now. What do we want to do now?" I ask the 3 other girls in the room.

The girls are silent for a little bit.

"I really wanna murder somebody!" London suddenly blurts out. We stare at her with shocked faces, well except Paris, she isn't paying attention and is only paying attention to her hands.

"What? WHY?" I ask, confused why the fuck she'd even THINK about doing that.

"I don't really know. I just wanna watch someone die." she shrugs.

"You do realize that our original plan was to get the boys back together as one performing group and as well have us as the candy charms on their arm, that was it. We were NOT going out murdering people related to them." Mer comments.

"Exactly...ish." Paris shrugs, entering into the conversation for the first time today. "But I do get where Lon is coming from. You do realize that the boys won't really love us becau—"

"They have their pestering and depressed girlfriends at home." Lon interrupts, smiling, finishing Paris' answer. Paris agrees, with a quick head nod.

"I am fine with the whole kidnapping thing becuase I get to see Niall a lot more often, but murdering others....thats a HUGE no from me." Mer states, defining her stance on the issue in debate.

"Well you're fucking vegan and you don't kill ANYTHING! NOT A SINGLE DAMN THING!" Lon screams. "No wonder why you won't go through with my plan!"

"London! Murdering is unlawful and wrong! Why do you wanna watch someone die? Thats psychotic!" Mer huffs, standing up and facing Lon with an angry glare.

"Well, America! I prefer to see people suffer! Am I right Paris?" Lon sneers to Mer, then looking to her sister.

"Uh-huh!" Paris replies, nodding her head and looking at her 'claws', AGAIN!

"We basically grew up knowing how to make people suffer. So, I think murder is completely alright!" Lon screams back at Mer.

"How dare you!" Mer seethes before she storms off to her room. Well that's one way to piss of Mer, is referencing death and killing. Way to go London!

"Can I murder someone Dal?" Lon pleads, looking at me.

"Really?" I say, a tad annoyed.

"Uh...Yeah." Lon sasses, putting her hand on her hip popping it out.

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