So as some of you know, which is only like three of you who actually read these, I have a few "Mental Disorders." They include depression and anxiety. No, this is not a rant about how I want to die, this is a rant about stereotypical "emo" people, or people with the same mental disorders as me, and the people who bully "emos".
Obviously I absolutely despise anyone who is a bully, but people on the internet are the worse in this situation. Someone can post a picture of themselves self-harming and some jerk will go anonymous and tell them to commit suicide. Those people are literally what makes me HATE the internet, social media, and just people in general. If anyone does this to someone, and you know about it, TELL THEIR PARENTS RIGHT NOW. It is NOT a joke to be triggering people just because they don't like themselves. Ugh. Can I just punch those people in the nose.
Now I will rant about stereotypes. The stereotypical "emo" is someone who constantly cuts, mostly for attention, they are always crying about stupid things, and they are just putting on an "act". That is how most people see them. I see them as humans who need love, not hate. People who are struggling, and rude comments do not help. There are other reasons than "attention" to cut and to be depressed. I, for one, do not cut, but I always see pictures of people I follow on different things with horrible pictures of what happens when some jerk comments on their pictures.
In conclusion, being depressed is not funny and it is a serious problem that most people have. If you know anyone with depression, a friend or even someone you barely know, please tell them how great they are, because they are needed in this world as much as anyone else.
This is part one, part two will be on anxiety.